Page 32 - Kyalami Issue 3_2023
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               ost doctors appear to be very   Researchers from the American    The combination of diabetes and
               vague when asked by their    College of Cardiology’s Nutrition and   obesity is a major problem today, and
       Mpatients about the cause of         Lifestyle Work Group have determined   both are lifestyle problems that can
        their ill-health, yet Dr Bernard Brom   that most of the evidence reinforces   be dealt with by exercise and better
        believes that the causes are in fact   that a predominantly plant-based diet   food choices. In South Africa, one in
        well known in theory.               lower in fat, added sugars, added salt,   four children is overweight and around
                                            processed foods and animal products   the world, refined sugar and food
        This vagueness is especially common   is probably the healthiest diet to follow.   consumption is a major problem, as
        when it comes to chronic diseases   The College also stated that “the most   well as foods containing high-fructose
        such as Alzheimers, cancer and auto-  important way to prevent vascular   corn syrup.
        immune diseases, but can also extend   disease, heart failure and atrial
        to problems such as headaches,      fibrillation is to follow a healthy lifestyle   Stress is also a major problem today
        migraines and irritable bowel       all the time.                       and drugs to treat depression and
        syndrome (IBS).                                                         anxiety have replaced psychotherapy
                                            COMMON DISEASES                     and counselling. Drugs may help,
        The diagnosis of disease and        Two of the most common diseases     but can add to the body burden and
        treatment with drugs or surgery is   doctors see today are cardiovascular   interfere with its functions. The result
        generally the priority of doctors,   disease and diabetes, which are    is that the underlying problem does not
        and the underlying causes and       lifestyle management issues, yet    go away.
        dysfunctions are often not given    this is not the way most doctors and
        much time during the consultation.   specialists deal with these conditions.   There are also psychological aspects
        The standard reply when patients ask   If poor lifestyle can inflict serious   behind stress and illness and Brom
        is that there is not enough science   damage on blood vessels, then     believes that a holistic approach to
        to really understand the underlying   clearly it can also affect all kinds of   healing should be embraced. Attending
        factors, but that genetics, lifestyle and   dysfunctions – leading to other end-  to the underlying causes of ill health
        other unknown influences play a role.  point diseases. Added to this, serious   should be addressed, as this could
                                            nutritional deficiencies can lead to   make an enormous difference to
        Brom says that in theory, the causes   scurvy (lack of vitamin C), beri beri    health outcomes.
        are well known and that in his      (lack of vitamin B1) anaemia (lack
        experience, patients often know what   of iron, folic acid and B12) blindness
        underlies their problems, and leave   (lack of vitamin A) and others. These
        the doctor’s rooms unsettled when   ‘long latency deficiency diseases’ are   n Editor's note
        this is not discussed. Causes include   the result of low levels of nutrients,
        poor food choices, lack of exercise,   and inadequate intake of  them may   This article first appeared in A2
        toxins in the environment, stress,   produce more than one disease.         Trade Magazine
        nutrient deficiencies, trauma, obesity,                                     (, and
        poor sleeping patterns as well as   Vitamin C, D, magnesium, iodine         has been reproduced here with
        psycho-spiritual factors. In looking at   and selenium deficiencies are major   their permission. Dr. Bernard
        all these points, it should be obvious   problems today, with magnesium     Brom is an MBChB (UCT),
        that in most patients, at least four to   taking part in over 300 metabolic   CEDH Homeopathy (France)
        five causes are at play in most chronic   processes. The human body is not   and Dip. Acup (Singapore). The
        diseases, even in young people.  These   deficient in drugs but rather in   article has been edited and the
        underlying causes lead to increasing   nutrients, yet doctors prescribe more   author’s references have been
        stress and eventually to chronic    drugs than nutritional supplements,     omitted.
        disease.                            which can support healthy functions.

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