Page 14 - Kyalami Estates Issue 1 February 2024
P. 14

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         Beach, Rio

             Cruising along the

                   SOUTH AMERICAN


                     e arrived at our hotel in   world. Some 17 million people live in B.A.   a result.  We decided to take a taxi early
                     Buenos Aires (B.A) at   out of a total population of 46 million.   to the cruise terminal which was only a
                     01hr30 after a ten hour   Heavy immigration during the 1800s   few km from the hotel. After receiving our
                     flight from Johannesburg   from Spain and particularly from Italy has   boarding cards, we were taken by bus
       Wto Sao Paulo in Brazil,             resulted in a population who are almost   a short distance to the ship and after
       and then a three hour flight to BA.  We   all of European ancestry. Argentina is no   passing through the on-board security, we
       were exhausted but as this was the start   longer the wealthy country that it was   made our way to our cabin, or state room
       of a 25 day holiday to celebrate our 70    in the early 20  century and has more   in modern parlance. The total number of
       birthdays, we were in good spirits and   recently experienced several periods of   passengers on the cruise was only 198
       looked forward eagerly to the 20 day   military rule, unstable civilian governments   (maximum around 650) with a crew of
       ocean cruise aboard the Azamara Quest   and crippling inflation. Consequently,   380, and consequently we got to know
       where we’d celebrate our birthdays. After   there is much unemployment in B.A. and   many of our fellow passengers quite well.
       a few hours catching up on some sleep,   we were advised not to wander away from
       we asked the concierge to book us on a   the popular tourist spots. Nevertheless,   The ship motored down the very wide
       tour of the city with an English-speaking   the city is quite vibrant and has many fine   Rio de la Plata to Montevideo in Uruguay,
       guide and a short while later, we were duly   buildings often based on the French style   where we had booked a tour of the city.
       picked up outside our hotel to commence   of architecture, magnificent cathedrals,   The previous evening one of the lecturers
       the tour.                            parks, gardens and monuments to its   on board gave a presentation on the Battle
                                            heroes.                              of the River Plate fought in December
       Our very informative guide gave us some                                   1939, which ended in the scuttling
       interesting facts about Argentina, which   The following day saw the inauguration of   off Montevideo of the German pocket
       won its independence from Spain in 1816   the newly elected president of Argentina   battleship Graf Spee. The anchor from
       and is the eighth largest country in the   and many roads were blocked to traffic as   the Graf Spee is part of the monument

   12 Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 1 • 2024
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