Page 12 - Kyalami Estates Issue 1 February 2024
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Kyalami Estates Corporate Brand Bible Design 26
3.0 Folder (Inner)
design and style
meets practical
design with the
unique range
of Stiltz Home
Lifts, available
from Lifta SA
Call Lifta SA now on
080 73 73 73 7
to arrange for an
obligation free on
site assessment.
ifta SA is the exclusive distributor complements the home’s look and feel.
of the Stiltz Home Lift in • Alternatively, the lift can be part
Southern Africa. Stiltz is an award of the plans of a new build; it can be
Lwinning, UK-based lift company installed almost anywhere in the home
that offers a wide variety of innovative thanks to its compact footprint, drive
and unique home lifts specifically for use mechanism and dual rail technology.
in double-storey homes. Home Lifts have an unrivalled ability to
fit into spaces other lifts cannot, with
Stiltz started selling lifts in the UK in minimal building work and disruption.
2010 and since then has grown rapidly
to become a key player in the home If load shedding or power failure occur
lift industry with markets in the USA, while the Home Lift is in operation,
Germany, Australia, China, the Middle the battery backup will allow the lift to
East and of course South Africa. safely travel down to the lowest level to
allow you to safely and easily exit the
Lifta SA offers two varieties of home unit. Due to the low power requirements
lifts – the Duo and Trio. The Duo, of Home Lifts, a small inverter can
capable of taking two passengers supply required power to ensure that it
between floors, has the smallest can operate during load shedding.
footprint on the residential market –
just 0.8m2. The wheelchair-friendly Established in 2007, Lifta SA is the
Trio’s footprint, capable of carrying South African subsidiary of the family-
an additional person as well, is only owned German company Liftstar GmbH.
1.3m2. Lifta SA prides itself on being at the
forefront of innovation and style in
UNIQUE BENEFITS OF OUR the mobility solutions market in South
HOME LIFTS INCLUDE: Africa. And with the support of its
• They operate by way of a normal German shareholders, Lifta SA offers
residential 220V plug – no three-phase you European quality and design with a
power required. Proudly South African personalised and
• No lift shaft is required – this will focused level of service.
result in substantial construction
cost saving and far less construction With offices in Cape Town and
work therefore less mess, dust and Johannesburg and representation
discomfort to clients. throughout the country, Lifta SA has
• The lifts can be installed installed hundreds of mobility solutions
retrospectively – ie after the house has nationwide. Our sales team is ready and
been built and can be installed within waiting to conduct a no obligation, no
two days. This allows the client the cost assessment at any home in South
opportunity to find the best possible Africa to help our clients find the perfect
location for their lift to ensure that it location for their own Home Lifts.
10 Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 1 • 2024