Page 26 - Kyalami Estates Issue 1 February 2024
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3.0 Folder (Inner)
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, from 2000 to 2020, there has
been a 182% increase in botulinum toxin injections for men. Additionally, cosmetic
surgery and non-surgical aesthetic procedures among men have risen by 29% between
2000 and 2018. Enhancements to the male appearance continue to gain momentum.
‘Brotox’ is the latest social media trend, accepting of aesthetic enhancements, the-counter products such as exfoliating
with men across the globe adopting a self-care and men’s beauty standards, aids, peptide creams and retinol into a
new appreciation of aesthetic treatments. it is evident that men also want to look skincare routine can help treat fine lines
The term ‘brotox’ is a fun play on words and feel their best. Social media, endless and wrinkles, but to get rid of deep frowns
to reference the popularity of botulinum Zoom meetings and how the media and forehead wrinkles, a combination of
toxin injections and other cosmetic portrays individuals have increased products and in-practice ‘tweakments’
treatments among men to enhance their pressure across the board to look one’s are used to help relax the muscles that
appearances. Dr. Alek Nikolic explains best, with more men and women looking cause wrinkles to appear. Botulinum toxin
why this boom has become increasingly for short and long-term treatments in is used.
popular among young men and why this is their quest for beauty.
much more than a craze. Lip filler:
THE FOLLOWING ARE THE MOST The use of lip filler has become
“It doesn’t surprise me that the trend COMMON COSMETIC ISSUES MEN increasingly prevalent in men looking
of men trying out botulinum toxin and ARE TREATING: to achieve a more youthful appearance.
other treatments is becoming more However, men tend to lean towards a
popular among young men – Gen Z and Reducing forehead wrinkles more conservative and natural look
millennials are more likely to focus on and crow’s feet: than women. Nevertheless, I have seen
self-care and self-improvement than Research has found that wrinkles such a slow increase in men requesting lip
previous generations.” as crow’s feet tend to appear earlier and filler at my practice. Some male patients
form deeper in men due to behavioural have requested lip filler primarily due
As the world continues to become more factors and genetics. Incorporating over- to thinning of the lips and genetic
24 Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 1 • 2024