Page 27 - Kyalami Estates Issue 1 February 2024
P. 27

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                                                                                         MALE GROOMING

             Maintaining a good

             skincare regime
             is also essential
             and will help

             maintain a youthful
             and healthy
             appearance. I
             advise men to
             include a good

             sunscreen and
             retinol serum in
             their daily routine.

        differences between the upper and lower   reduce the size of the nose or straighten   in order to achieve similar results to
        lip – some people may have been born   a deviated septum. Their forte is in   women.
        with a very thin lower or upper lip.  improving bumps, indents, asymmetries
                                            and even lifting the nasal tip.      Maintaining a good skincare regime is also
        Liquid rhinoplasty:                                                      essential and will help maintain a youthful
        Men have also adopted new aesthetic   BOTULINUM TOXIN FOR                and healthy appearance. I advise men
        procedures such liquid rhinoplasty that,   PREVENTION OF AGEING          to include a good sunscreen and retinol
        with the correct technique, can yield   The quest for prolonged youth is one   serum in their daily routine. Undergoing
        similar results to surgical rhinoplasty. This   shared by men and women, with   any cosmetic procedure can be daunting,
        procedure is recommended for patients   many South African men incorporating   with added pressure for men due to the
        who don’t want to undergo plastic surgery   botulinum toxin into their skincare   relatively new demands on them regarding
        and are looking for a temporary change or   regimes as a preventive measure to avoid   beauty, ageing and appearance.
        correction. Dermal fillers will temporarily   ageing wrinkles and remove negative
        change the shape of your nose and you   expressions such as a frown, which can   Dr. Nikolic says he advises anyone
        will typically need to visit your doctor every   make one look unapproachable and   considering aesthetic treatments to do
        18 months or so to repeat the treatment.  unfriendly.                    their research, consult with qualified
                                                                                 medical doctors and consider all
        The benefit of liquid rhinoplasty is that   Men need more of this toxin as the effect   aspects of the procedure, including
        patients will see immediate results with   of the treatment is dependent on the   their desired results, before proceeding.
        minimal recovery time needed, instead   number of units used. Generally speaking,   He also recommends consulting with a
        of going under the knife. It is important   men tend to have bigger and stronger   practitioner who understands the male
        to state that soft tissue fillers can’t   facial muscles which require higher units   face and treats men regularly.

           Dr Alek Nikolic (MBBCh Wits), ATLS (ACS) MBA (UCT) is a doctor with a special interest in aesthetic medicine, and is at the forefront of
           the latest developments in this field. With a focus on skin care, skin ingredients and cosmetic dermatology treatments such as lasers,
           chemical peels, Botulinum toxin and dermal filles, he has performed over 20 000 procedures to date and is responsible for training
           many medical practitioners both locally and internationally.
           *owner of Aesthetic Facial Enhancement and online skincare store;
           *owner and formulator of Skin Ingredients (;
           *founding member of the South African Allergan Medical Aesthetic Academy;
           *advisor to Allergan Local Country Mentor in Facial Aesthetics; and
           *EXCO member of the Aesthetic and Anti-Ageing Medicine Society of South Africa (AAMSSA); and
           *Associate Member of the American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery (ASLMS).
           This article was created, edited and published by the Aesthetic Appointment Medical Journal Blog and
           has been re-published with their permission.  Photos courtesy of Aesthetic Appointment.

                                                                                  Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 1 • 2024  25
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