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                                                                                                                                       ESTATE NEWS
                                                                                                                                     ES   TATE MATTERS
                                                                                                                           THE BIG PICTURE
                                                                                 3.0  Folder (Inner)
                                                                                often have more flexible admission
                                                                                requirements and provide practical, hands-on
                                                                                experience that can lead directly to
                                                                                Distance learning and online
                                                                                education: Distance learning and online
                                                                                education have become increasingly popular
                                                                                and accessible.These programmes offer
                                                                                flexibility for students to learn at their own pace
                                                                                and often at a lower cost than traditional
                                                                                universities. Many reputable institutions offer
                                                                                accredited online courses and degrees.

                                                                                Bridging courses and foundation
                                                                                programmes: For students who may need
                                                                                to meet the direct entry requirements for
                                                                                university, bridging courses and foundation
                                                                                programmes are an excellent option. These
                                                                                programmes are designed to help students
                                                                                build the necessary skills and knowledge to
                                                                                qualify for their desired courses in the future.
                                                                                Internships and learnerships: Internships and
                                                                                learnerships provide valuable on-the-job
                                                                                training and experience. These programmes
                                                                                allow students to earn while they learn, gaining
       During Grade 11 and matric,         if you have worked very hard and were not   practical skills and industry insights that can
                                           accepted while many of your peers have
                                                                                be highly advantageous in the job market.
       the stress and anxiety for          already received offers. But view this as a   Contact a SETA for further information.
       students and parents can be         temporary hurdle rather than a permanent   Private higher education institutions:
                                           roadblock,” she says.
       overwhelming, not only              The 26 public universities in South Africa   The only significant difference between a
                                                                                registered and accredited private higher
       because of the pressure to          only accept around 210,000 first year   education institution and a public university
       perform well during exams           students annually, and this reality can create   is that the former is not government funded.
                                                                                PHEIs remain a valuable alternative to
                                           significant worry about what will happen if
       and assessments, but also           a future student’s plans to attend a public   studying at a public university, and their
       because of the complexities         university unfold differently than expected.  graduates are in high demand in the
                                                                                workplace. It is essential, however, to ensure
       and uncertainties brought           “The reality of the admissions process is that   that you confirm your qualifications. SAQA
                                           only a small number of students will receive
                                                                                must register all qualifications in South
       about by applying for               an acceptance letter from their preferred   Africa, and the provider must appear on the
       university placement.               institution for their preferred degree. The   DHET list of licenced providers. The Council
                                           competition is intense, with thousands of
                                                                                of Higher Education oversees public and
                                           matric students vying for a limited number of   private higher education providers as the
             part from the stressful and   spots. It's natural for parents and students to   responsible quality council.
             exhausting application process to   feel anxious about whether they will achieve
             various universities and for different   the necessary results to secure a place at a   “Starting from Grade 11, the period leading
      Aqualifications, many students       university,” says Dr Meyer. She urges parents   up to and following matric exams
       endure the disappointment of not being   and students to remember that there are   is undoubtedly challenging for students and
       placed in the universities they applied to,   many pathways to success and that a   parents. The uncertainty surrounding
       and having to decide on their next steps.  university or college acceptance is not the   university admissions adds to the stress, but
                                           only – or even best – route to a fulfilling and   it's essential to remember that there are
       “While this situation now facing thousands of   successful career.       numerous paths to success,” says Dr Meyer.
       prospective students throughout South Africa
       feels like an intractable problem for them   SOME ALTERNATIVES TO        “By exploring alternative education options,
       and their families, it is important to put the   CONSIDER INCLUDE:       managing stress effectively, and keeping an
       matter into perspective and, first of all, not   Technical and vocational training   open mind, students can find fulfilling and
       take it personally or view it as a failure,” says   colleges: Vocational training programmes   rewarding career opportunities regardless of
       Dr Linda Meyer, MD of IIE Rosebank College.  and technical colleges offer specialised   the outcome of their university applications.
                                           education in various fields such as   The journey to success is rarely a straight
       “Of course, it is frustrating not to be able to   engineering, healthcare, information   line, and flexibility and resilience are vital to
       cross this item off your to-do-list, especially   technology and the arts. These institutions   navigating it successfully.”

                                          A B  OUT DR LINDA ME   Y E R

                                          Dr Linda Meyer is the MD of the Independent Institute of Education’s Rosebank College has
                                          held several executive roles in the public and private sectors. She is a serving member of the
                                          SAQA Board and holds several qualifications, including a Doctor of Philosophy (RSA), Doctor
                                          of Business Administration (USA), Master of Business Administration (UK), Post Graduate
                                          Diploma in Management Studies (UK), Bachelor of Business Administration, B. Com (Law)
                                          and several other diplomas, higher certificates and professional certifications.

                                                                                  Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 4 • 2024
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