Page 28 - Kyalami Issue 4 December 2024
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GIRL Sweeping and evocative, The
Hidden Girl is a lost treasure from
By Lucinda Riley the global number one bestselling
author Lucinda Riley.
You can’t alter destiny…
Born and raised in a small village
on the Yorkshire moors, Leah
Thompson grows more beautiful
each day. When she catches the
attention of the influential, troubled
Delancey family, she knows her life
will never be the same again.
Years later, Leah takes the model-
ing world by storm, traveling from
Milan to London and New York and
living in luxury. But her past follows
her like a dark shadow, mysterious-
ly intertwined with the tragic tale of
two young siblings in Poland during
the Second World War.
As two generations of secrets ATMO SF IRE
threaten to explode, Leah is haunt-
ed by a fatal, forgotten prophecy By Jan Braai
from her past, and must fight to
challenge the destiny that has Atmosfire is an all-encompassing
been mapped out for her in the guide to everything Jan Braai cur-
stars… rently knows about braaiing. It is a
celebration of this wonderful South
Price: R380.00 African tradition; in which 15–20
million South Africans participate
each year on 24 September on
THE PROTECTOR National Braai Day.
To celebrate the 20th anniversary
of this cultural event; Jan Braai has
By Tony Park put together more than 200 recipes
that can be cooked over and enjoyed
A gripping new thriller by the mas- alongside a wood fire. Divided into
ter of adventure Tony Park about 20 chapters; the book includes reci-
rescue, revenge and redemption, pes for traditional favourites such as
and the things we do to protect the classic potjies; steaks; burgers and
ones we love. ribs; to less conventional dishes pre-
pared on the braai; including pasta;
Professor Denise ‘Doc’ Rado is pizza; salads and desserts.
South Africa’s expert on pangolins,
busting poachers and freeing the Every dish is delectable, and the
endangered anteaters in elaborate accompanying photography will
undercover stings. After a risky have your mouth watering; and your
operation backfires, Doc’s life is family and friends clamouring for a
shattered, but she still has to lead get-together around the braai fire
an eclectic group of donors on a while you put your braai skills to the
wildlife tour of Southern Africa. test. Jan Braai’s clear instructions
and no-nonsense attitude to the art
But there’s a target on her back. of braai will ensure that even newbie
As the safari ventures deep into braaiers will easily pull off these
Africa, Doc fears they’re being recipes.
followed and she will do anything to
keep them all safe – especially Ian There is something for everyone in
Laidlaw, a handsome Australian this book. Readily available ingredi-
businessman turned accidental ents mean it’s a breeze to put the
philanthropist. Is Doc being hunted meals together; as most items are
by the poachers she once fought, probably on hand already; or can
or is there some other bloodthirsty be sourced with minimal effort or a
predator prowling the wilderness? quick trip to the supermarket.
Price: R275.00 Price: R605.00
26 Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 4 • 2024