Page 19 - Kyalami Issue 1 2025
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Kyalami Estates Corporate Brand Bible  Design  26
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        Building a professional network     “A solid personal brand is also about
        Networking is a crucial aspect of career   consistency. How you communicate,
                                            both online and offline, should align with
        development and the sooner you start, the
 LANDING YOUR FIRST JOB  better.            the image you want to project. Whether
                                            in an interview, on social media or at a
                                            networking event, be mindful of how you
        “While still a student, take advantage
 AFTER UNIVERSITY  of networking opportunities such as   present yourself and the impression you
                                            leave on others,” says Read.
        career fairs, industry conferences
        and university events. Join student
        organisations, clubs and societies
                                            Technical skills and academic knowledge
        related to your field of study—these   Enhancing your soft skills
        groups often have strong connections   are important, but soft skills - such
        with industry professionals and they   as communication, teamwork and
        can provide access to mentorship,   adaptability - often set candidates apart in
        internships and job opportunities,” says   the job market.
        Read.                                                                            James Read
                                            Many universities offer career services      Senoir Manager, Independent
        It goes without saying that building your   that include training in areas such as   Institute of Education’s Rosebank
        professional network online, through   resume writing, interview techniques and   College
        platforms such as LinkedIn, is non-  professional etiquette. These resources
        negotiable in order to be to be noticed by   can be invaluable as you prepare to enter
        companies and employers you may not   the workforce.                     search and interview process, with the
        necessarily be able to reach in person –                                 understanding that this process is a job
        yet.                                Preparing for the job search         in itself. Set aside weekly time to search
                                            As you approach graduation, it’s important   for job openings, tailor your application
        Developing a strong personal        to start researching potential employers   materials, and follow up with employers.
        brand                               and industries that align with your career   Practise your interview skills with friends
        Your personal brand is how you present   goals, says Read. Look for companies that   or at your higher education institution’s
        yourself to potential employers and plays   match your skills and interests, share your   careers centre.
        a critical role in your career success – in   values and offer opportunities for growth
        particular when you need to stand out   and development.                 “Your university years are not just about
        among a sea of candidates. Start by                                      earning a degree—they’re about laying the
        identifying your unique strengths, skills   Next, spend time on creating a   foundation for your future. By approaching
        and values. What sets you apart from   professional resume and portfolio that will   your education with an eye towards your
        other candidates? What are your career   stand out. Your resume is often the first   career, and not waiting to cross that bridge
        goals? Once you clearly understand your   impression a potential employer has of   until you get to it, you’ll be well-equipped
        personal brand, ensure that it is reflected   you, so it’s essential to make it count.  to navigate the challenges and seize the
        in your resume, cover letter and online                                  opportunities that await you in the world of
        profiles.                           Then, start preparing for the job    work,” says Read.

                                                                                  Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 1 • 2025  17
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