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     1900 keen birders aboard
     the MSC Musica

                                                                                                                                                                                                          GRADE 8 2026
                                                                                                                                                                                                          GRADE 8 2

                                                                                                                                                                                                          APPLIC      A TIONS OPEN
                                                                                                                                                                                                          APPLICATIONS OPEN

                                                                                                                                                                                                             APPLY VIA OUR WEBSITE TODAY

      and stern of the ship. These experts quickly
      spotted and identified the birds as they flew
      past the ship, thus enabling the rest of us to                                                               C
      record each sighting.                                                                                        M

      Well attended lectures were given most days                                                                  Y
      on board by renowned experts in their field                                                                  CM
      who had spent much time on Marion Island. In
      particular Peter Harrison MBE, and Peter Ryan,                                                               MY
      both authors of numerous books on the subject,                                                               CY
      showed many photographs of birds taken on                                                                    CMY
      the island. Some have no fear of man and will
      allow the researchers to approach closely for   Great-winged Shearwater     Grey-headed Albatross            K
      the purpose of ringing the birds or placing small
      tracking devices on their backs to monitor their
      flights across the oceans. Photos of birds that
      had been attacked by mice were also shown,
      and it was heart-breaking to see the dead and
      dying birds.
      The plan to eradicate mice on Marion Island
      has been based on scientific research and
      practical experience. Certain islands off New
      Zealand, for instance, have been cleared of
      mice using a specially formulated rodenticide
      bait. Marion Island, at 30 000 hectares, is
      considerably larger than other such islands   Young Wondering
      and the eradication plan entails using   Albatross                           Old Wondering Albatross
      helicopters that will spread the bait released
      from buckets below the helicopters. This will
      ensure that every potential mouse area is
      covered with the bait because for the plan
      to be successful, all the mice have to be
      eradicated in one attempt.

      The birders on Flock 25 raised over a million
      rand towards the MFM project, which still
      however, requires further funds before the
      eradication process can commence.
       For further information on the project
       please visit    Salvin's Prion                      Northern Giant Petrel
                                                                                                                                GRADES 000 TO 12 | INFO@STEYNCITYSCHOOL.CO.ZA | 010 597 1250 | WWW.STEYNCITYSCHOOL.CO.ZA

   12 Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 1 • 2025
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