Page 13 - Kyalami Issue 1 2025
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                                                                                         MSC Musica in Durban harbour





              he islands are located at a latitude   Bird Life South Africa, together with the
              of 46.5 degrees south, in an area   Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the
              known as the ‘roaring forties’   Environment, have implemented a project
       Tbecause of the gale force winds      called the Mouse Free Marion (MFM)
        prevalent in these southern regions.   Project which although currently still in
        Albatross in particular use these strong   the planning phase, aims to raise enough   Atlantic Prion
        winds to glide effortlessly above the ocean.   money to eradicate the mice. To this end,
        Average temperatures are in single digits,   Bird Life SA has, over the past few years,
        with the wind chill factor adding to the cold.  booked four sea voyages to Marion Island
                                             specifically for keen birders from all over
        Five species of Albatross including the   the world to see the birds and to raise
        Wandering, Dark-mantled (Sooty), Light-  funds for the MFM project.
        mantled, Indian yellow-nosed and Grey-
        headed Albatross breed there, as well as   Sue and I joined 1900 other keen
        fourteen species of Petrel, four species   birders on Flock 25, the fourth such
        of Prion and four species of Penguin. The   voyage aboard the MSC Musica which
        smaller Prince Edward Island is rodent free   sailed from Durban on 24 January 2025
        but the larger Marion Island is infested   and arrived off Marion Island three days
        with house mice which were inadvertently   later. Approximately half of the birders
        introduced to the island by whalers and   on board were from overseas and the
        sealers in the 1800’s.               bow and stern of the ship, as well as   Light-mantled Albatross
                                             the open decks, were bustling with
        The mice are having a serious effect on the   birders keen to spot the various birds
        breeding birds, both adults and their chicks,   and take as many photos as possible.
        and many have succumbed to predation by   Photographs are often the best way to
        the mice. Cats were introduced to Marion   positively identify some of smaller bird
        Island in a misguided attempt to solve the   species such as the Prions, Storm petrels
        problem, but they too attacked the birds. By   and Shearwaters.
        the 1990’s, the cats had been eradicated   To assist in bird identification, Bird Life
        but the mouse population continues to   SA employed the services of 65 top
        increase. It is estimated that 19 of the bird   authorities on seabirds and marine
        species breeding on the island may become   mammals who, on a roster system, were
        locally extinct if the mouse problem is not   seated on the open port and starboard
        resolved.                            decks and observation areas on the bow   Sooty Albatross

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