Page 29 - Kyalami Issue 1 2025
P. 29

Kyalami Estates Corporate Brand Bible  Design     26
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                                       HOW TO GET

                                       THE  MOST FROM

                                       A GAP YEAR

                                       A gap year can be more than a chance to blow off
                                       steam and have fun. It can be life-affirming, offering
                                       opportunities for personal growth, cultural exposure

                                       and professional development.

                                       INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY MEROPA C OMMUNICATIONS.
                                       IMAGES: UNSPLA SH, PEXELS, FREEPIK
                                          •   Many provide cultural orientation   •   Open a travel-friendly bank account
                                              and tips to help you integrate        with minimal foreign transaction
                                              seamlessly.                           fees, especially if you plan to travel
                                                                                    to multiple countries.
                                       Letley says before choosing an agency or
                                       paying any money, check its credentials,   •   Use budgeting apps to keep track
                                       ideally with someone who has used it. Also,   of expenses and avoid overspend-
                                       compare prices, as some charge high place-   ing.
                                       ment fees.
                                                                                 •   Look for student and other dis-
                                       Agencies may also only offer jobs in partic-  counts at attractions and on trans-
                                       ular, high-demand sectors. Researching job   port. Some attractions cost less if
                                       opportunities independently may provide      you pay and book ahead of time. If
                                       more scope to work in your preferred indus-  you’re regularly using public trans-
                                       try.                                         port, a weekly or monthly pass is
                                                                                    cheaper than buying a single ticket.
                                       Doing the homework beforehand will make
                                       your gap year less stressful and more   A gap year can be a worthwhile investment
                                       enjoyable, so you’ll get more from it. While   for young people, enabling them to assert
                                       you’re away, stay on top of your finances and   their independence, expand their world
                                       look for opportunities to stretch your budget.   view, build character, learn new skills or gain
                                       Some include:                         experience that will benefit their careers.

                                                                                  Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 1 • 2025  27
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