Page 7 - Kyalami Issue 1 2025
P. 7
za half-marathon. This is always a fun
Kyalami Estates Corporate Brand Bible Design 26 Some of our runners at the Skuku-
3.0 Folder (Inner) weekend away in the Kruger Park
he Kyalami Running Club was and a 10km,15km and 21km route
Testablished by Gillian Keartland has been mapped out. GAZEBO EVENTS
in February 2011. It was formed to The Club usually supports the following races each In the picture are Sulet and Albert, Kyala-
encourage residents to get involved Again, all residents are invited to year. Runners meet up after these races at our ga-
in running and to build friendships. join us, and the run is followed by zebo for some chocolate milk and / or a beer and mi Estates residents who ran the Wally
This article outlines all the events cappuccinos and/or breakfast at the to share their stories of the race over a breakfast Hayward 10km race in 2024. It was their
in which our runners participate, to Kyalami Country Club clubhouse. roll – all sponsored by the Club: first official race, which they finished in
encourage you to join us. • Biogen half-marathon: This event is held in very respectable times!
We support runners on route with early January of each year and consists of a Some of our runners who took part
TIME TRIALS tables during the month-end runs. 5km dash and a half-marathon (21km). in the Chamberlains race in 2023!
The running club has time trials every There is a small charge of R20.00 • Elands marathon: This event is held in early We all wore kilts, in keeping with the
Wednesday, which start from the which is used towards the cost of March of each year and consists of a half-mar-
Kyalami Estates Clubhouse at 18:00 table refreshments. athon and a full marathon (42km). It’s mostly theme of the event!
in summer and at 17:45 pm in winter • all downhill, so a bit easier.
(May to August). We have a 3km, 5km Runners meet up after these races at • Chamberlains Capital Classic: This is held
and 8km route mapped out. our gazebo for some chocolate milk in October each year and includes a 5km,
and / or a beer and to share their
Kyalami Estates Corporate Brand Bible Identity 09 10km and 21km race. A bus is arranged to
We have booked the clubhouse for stories of the race over a breakfast take runners from the estate to the race. It’s
1.0 Final Logo usage every Wednesday evening roll – all sponsored by the Club. always great fun!
and encourage all residents to join • Waterfall City half-marathon: This is held in
us, whether you walk, run casually Year-end function August each year and includes a 5km, 10km
or race. The time trials are a great Every year in November, we arrange and 21km race. This race is right on our
way to test your fitness, train a function to celebrate the year doorstep!
throughout the year and catch up and acknowledge the efforts of all • Skukuza (in the Kruger Park) half-marathon:
with your runner friends. our runners. It includes an awards This is also held in August each year and is a
ceremony which is usually themed, half-marathon. Most of our runners make a
CLUB EVENTS and we all dress up. It’s a fun party! weekend of this race and spend a day spotting
Month-end drinks animals in the Kruger Park.
Month-end drinks usually take Medal mondays • Kaapsehoop 3-in-1 marathon: This is held in
place on the last Wednesday of We like to celebrate the November each year and consists of a 10km,
every month at the Kyalami Estates achievements of all our runners – 21km and 42km race. Again, most of our run-
Clubhouse. We provide a light meal any events, any races, any run (it ners make a weekend of this event and stay in
for runners every alternate month. does not have to be an official event the beautiful town of Kaapsehoop.
Confirmation is sent to runners via or race). If it was fun, we like to hear
WhatsApp on the Tuesday before about it and share it with everyone.
the Wednesday evening.
Week-end training runs
Our Saturday morning
runs take place from the
Kyalami Country Club
in Beaulieu, starting at
06:30 in summer and
07:00 in winter (May to
August). We have a route
mapped out for either
5km, 9km or 11km.
All residents are invited
to join us and we meet
afterwards for coffee Residents Sulet and Albert ran the Runners at the Skukuza half-marathon
and/or breakfast at the Wally Hayward 10km race in 2024
Kyalami Country Club
clubhouse. Runners in the 2023 Chamberlain's race Come and join our Club!
Some of the safest and You will lose those un-
most beautiful routes wanted kilos and make
in Johannesburg are in many new friends! You
Beaulieu. do not have to be a great
Confirmation is sent to runner, simply take a walk
runners via WhatsApp on down to the Clubhouse on
the Friday evening before a Wednesday evening and
the Saturday morning. start …
Month-end runs Sharon Meerburg-Horn
The Club usually Secretary, Kyalami
arranges two month-end Running Club
runs during the year. Contact details:
These take place from Leonard: 082 495 8302
the Kyalami Country Club Sharon: 083 287 2513
Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 1 • 2025 5