Page 16 - Landscape SA 102
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Landscape architects frequently work closely with architects on a variety of projects,
be they commercial, corporate, retail or residential, to create a design for the client that
embraces an appropriate interior and exterior connection.
n response to questions posed by settles into the land and how it interacts architect and landscape architect work
Landscape SA, the following landscape with its surrounds. When responding to collaboratively to ensure a well thought out
Iarchitects and architects participated: architecture, the landscape could be viewed project. The outcome of this collaboration
as a softening tool, a layer that allows the results in the building’s form relative to
• Gina Switala (GS) from Sprout built work to find seating within its context, the interface with the public environment,
Landscapes environmentally and aesthetically. surrounding external context, pedestrian
• Karen Marais (KM) from The Ochre and street edges, internal courtyards and
Office JB: Yes, it often works like this but where surface parking areas. Landscaping zones
• Johan Barnard (JB) from Newtown you have a working relationship with the in these types of projects are critical as
Landscape Architects architect, it is a collaboration, which is they are used to traverse between public
• John Drummond (JD) from John what it should be. We have been lucky to and private spaces.
Drummond Architects Landscape have been involved in projects where the
Architects LA briefed the architect as to what was SDP: In practice, this is mostly the case.
• Menno Klapwijk (MK): Bapela Cave required, for example with the OR Tambo As architects it is our responsibility
Klapwijk Landscape Architects Narrative and Environmental Centre and to design buildings which allow for a
• Sarvin Naidoo (SN) from Gapp the new visitor’s centre at Ekurhuleni cohesive relationship with nature and it is
Architects & Urban Designers Botanical Gardens. therefore critical to keep the landscapes
• Simone du Plessis (SDP) from Veld which co-exist with our buildings in mind,
Architects JD: I would say that the LA should take right from the initial design stages. The
his/her cue from the architecture and architect will develop a concept based
The landscape architect (LA) nor- site conditions, rather than the architect on several aspects such as client brief,
mally takes his/her cue from the specifically. However it is difficult to budget, topography, legal restraints and
architect in terms of the project’s generalise and much depends on the type orientation; he/she aims to harness the
landscape design. Is this the nor- and scale of the projects, as well as on the best potential from all these aspects
mal way of working? client. Over the years there have been to create a holistic design. During this
changes regarding the LA’s contribution process, the architect will probably already
GS: Yes, in most cases the LA is only on projects – in my view they are now have an idea as to how the landscape will
brought in towards the end of the project more widely understood than in the early be integrated so as to contribute to the
and also often once the building has been days of the profession in South Africa. overall design of the building. It is always
completed. This means there are limited beneficial for the LA to be involved from
opportunities to make changes to the MK: Unfortunately, this is the ‘normal’ the early stages of the project to provide
spatial layout of the site. Sometimes the way of working in South Africa. Over the valuable input.
client realises at the last moment that a years, the role of the LA has been largely
landscape development plan is required reduced to that of an after thought that The LA is often brought into the
and this needs to be designed by a only needs to be considered at the end of process at the final stages. How
professional landscape architect. Tight the project once the architect has finalised can this be changed so that he/she
time lines are therefore necessary and not the site plan, including the landscape is brought in sooner, for maxi-
much design input can be given. design principles and concepts. This was mum benefit of the project’s final
often the result when the independent outcome?
KM: The simple answer to the question is project manager was brought into the
‘yes’; the architect is a fundamental player professional team and this function GS: If the architect and landscape architect
brought in at the inception stage of a project was removed from the architect as the were appointed at the same time, they
and the LA is introduced at the stage of principal project leader. could develop the brief and brainstorm
council approval, frequently when much the design solution together so that
of the surrounding infrastructure has been SN: The briefing by the architect to the the strengths of both professions work
defined and refined. In such cases, the landscape architect depends on the together to bring about the best possible
landscape design is certainly ‘responsive’ scale and complexity of the project. outcome. I think landscape architects have
in its makeup, taking its cue from the For example, in smaller scale projects an intuition about the potential a site
architect. That said, the task of formulating such as residential or stand-alone office holds and how to be sensitive to existing
a truly harmonious landscape solution is buildings, the architect leads the vision site conditions.
a mix of problem solving, workshopping and conceptualises the planning of
and developing details that interpret and the project. He/she will consider the KM: This is most certainly dependent on the
integrate the requirements of the brief. threshold between the building envelope position or outlook of the client/developer
No matter the size of the project, I will and external works where hard and soft and members of the core consultant team.
always try to understand and build on the landscaping zones and green edges are They all need to understand that the skills
architect’s vision and intention. Their design defined. In larger scale, precinct type of the LA can be integrated at an early
will have considered how their structure urban developments, the urban designer, stage for the greater success of the project.
14 Landscape SA • Issue 102 2021