Page 12 - Landscape SA 104
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                                          Planted median with succulents and Aloe arborescens

                    SIBAYA PRECINCT NODE 1,

                             HELEZA BOULEVARD

           Located on KZN’s north coast, Sibaya Coastal Precinct consists of approximately
           1000 hectares of coastal landscape between the Ohlanga and uMdloti estuaries. The
           existing Sibaya Casino and Entertainment World sits centrally within the site and the
           development encompasses seven different nodes planned around it. The precinct has
           been designed to work with the surrounding landscape and by developing only around
           the hilltops, preserving the valleys and coastal forest, a harmonious environment has
           been achieved.

                eleza Boulevard is a central, 19 m   varies between 20 and 15 meters wide   a traffic calming circle may be used if
                wide arterial road running through   and separates the two double lanes on   irrigation is required.
           Hthe precinct and connecting all the   both sides.
           nodes within it to each other. The precinct                          Soft and hard landscaping
           as a whole is a mixed-use development   The landscape design philosophy
           with residential,  retail, commercial  and   was to propose a low maintenance   Groupings of different tree species such as
           recreational opportunities.  The  name   xeriscape  landscape with bold  colours   Syzygium cordatum, Erythrina lysistemon,
           ‘Sibaya’  means kraal, and this idea of   and textures. The landscape should be   Aloe barbarae, Ficus bubu and Combretum
           being a place to come together is woven   a place of reference within the precinct,   krausii represent a coastal forest tree mix.
           through the project’s concept.     with the boulevard  being  the spine   Also included are single-stemmed Aloe
                                              that  connects all future  development   species, namely  Aloe ferox, (red-orange)
                                              and representing  the  window of  the   A. marlothii (yellow), A. spectabilis (orange
           Brief and design philosophy        proposed village.                 to orange-yellow),  A. thraskii (yellow),  A.
                                                                                vryheidensis  (bottlebrush shaped yellow),
           The client’s brief was to design and   Environmental aspects         multi-stemmed  aloes  -  A. arborescens
           construct a unique, ‘own character’                                  and stemless aloes -   A. Chabaudii  and
           streetscape with xeriscape  planting.   Xeriscape landscaping embraces a style   A.aristata.
           Heleza Boulevard is a meandering spine   that requires little or no maintenance and
           connecting about 100 000m² of mixed-  no irrigation. Wind and salt resistant plant   Colourful and textured succulents used
           use development  between  Umhlanga   species respond to the coastal weather   include Crassula ovata ‘thranskei’ (yellow)
           and Umdhloti.  The main road median   patterns and stormwater catchment under     C.  multicava  ‘Streyii’ (red),  Kalanchoe

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