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Landscape design philosophy and roof terrace. A vertical green wall watered twice a week. Bidvest Execuflora
has been installed in the entrance lobby. also undertakes the maintenance of the
For the apartments, the design philosophy It was designed by Beverley Ogden of wall and plants, replacing them when
was to create neat and uncomplicated Bidvest Execuflora, working with Karen necessary and trimming them so that
greening, with colour in key areas moving Marais, and the plant design and selection they retain their shape. They also carry out
up from the street, through the lower was done by Shaun Armand. The Vicinity pest control if required and ensure that
parking levels and up to the sky gardens wall system holds 170 plants, which are the lighting is correctly angled. The wall
presents a pleasing entrance statement in
the foyer of the building.
Above and below: For the apartments, the design philosophy was to create neat and uncomplicated
For the park, Marais says she wanted
to ensure safe and usable pathways,
facilitating the well-used pedestrian
routes through the open space. The paths
were widened to make them wheelchair-
friendly and to ensure that the design
connected the various access points.
Looking down onto the park from the
apartments was also an important design
aspect. Marais says the pathways needed
to flow smoothly in order to define a
harmonius and calming form, whilst still
allowing for future interventions such
as sports or play areas. A planted barrier
between the pathways and the apartment
building prevents the public from moving
too close to the apartment boundary, and
provides a soft and colourful space.
Midway through the project, the client
was asked to include into the scheme
a neighbouring portion of the park erf
closest to the library; pathways and
security fencing were extended.
8 Landscape SA • Issue 92 2020