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could tolerate regular drip irrigation is yellow petals of Hypoxis hemerocallidea and red edible fruit which is favoured by
Andropogon eucomis, the lovely glittering (Star Flower). Carpenter bees, which fruit-eating birds.
Snowflake Grass which has a long are quite common in suburban
flowering/seeding season beginning in Johannesburg, favour Chlorophytum Some other plants on this diverse and
spring and continuing through to late bowkeri (Bowker’s Chlorophytum) with picturesque living wall are various
summer. its protruding stamens that are buzz Streptocarpus which flower during
pollinated by these large bees. The plant different seasons depending on the
Insects seen on or expected to be is spring and summer flowering. species depending on the species, and
attracted to this suburban green Plectranthus madagascariensis with its
wall with its appropriate choice of Gaps were left in the vertical garden with prominent white-edged leaves. Several
indigenous species are solitary bees, the hope that small birds will use these as Crassula species can be singled out: C.
wasps, moths, hawkmoths, Brown- nesting sites... and possibly rain spiders, expansa (Fragile Crassula), C. multicava
veined Whites (butterflies), honeybees another regular insect in Johannesburg. (Fairy Crassula) and C. spathulata
and spiders, amongst many others. Bees These negative spaces initially highlight (Creeping Crassula) with its tiny white
are particularly attracted to flowers with the diverse shapes of the plants, which flowers. Curio rowleyanus (String of
ultra-violet markings and green flowers may eventually grow into them. The Pearls) makes a wonderful showing,
such as Eucomis autumnalis (Pineapple vertical garden changes in appearance along with the pink and white flowered
Flower) which is on the wall and also has seasonally as flowers and fruit materialise, Delosperma sp. Haemanthus albiflos
a long flowering/seeding season. Painted adding to the wall’s appealing aesthetic (White Paintbrush) is another shade-
Lady butterflies are attracted to the pale and food value. Carissa bispinosa (Num- loving bulbous species appropriate for
blue Lobelia anceps (Swamp Lobelia). num) is flourishing on the wall with its this sheltered living wall, and it flowers
Crab Spiders may find camouflage in the small star-like flowers, shiny leaves, spines for a long period in winter. LSA
Drimiopsis maculata in bud (September 2019)
Photo by Carol Knoll
Plectranthus madagascariensis
(September 2019)
Photo by Carol Knoll
Haemanthus albiflos, winter flowering Boweia volubilis in flower (September 2019)
(June 2020) Photo by Carol Knoll
Photo by Joanne Miller
28 Landscape SA • Issue 94 2020