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here can be no doubt that Covid-19 real, face to face human contact, but
and the lockdown have turned our technology has brought other options
Tlives upside down, inside out and to the fore. Zoom has become the new
back to front. Personally, I feel as if I’m meeting room but it has its drawbacks,
hovering in a perpetual state of limbo, as does everything that does not permit
waiting for it to pass so that things can direct, one-on-one communication.
be ‘normal’ again. Not going to happen Human beings are social creatures, it’s how
any time soon, if at all! At the moment we were made, it’s what has allowed the
I’m just thankful that we’ve reached level human race to survive and flourish.
3 of the lockdown and that it feels as if In this issue, we continue with two themes
some progress is being made to get the dealt with previously: cannabis and health
economy open again, and peoples’ lives and safety. The cannabis article looks at
up and running again. It seems that in licensing and health and safety focusses
so many aspects of the pandemic, rules on the safety aspects of machinery used
and regulations have been unclear and in landscaping. Our previous safety article
messages have been mixed, including dealt with working at heights.
within the green industry. Take a look at
the article by Peter Runkel in our ‘Greened This issue is also our Allied Trade feature –
Up’ section, explaining the confusion with take a look at the article on Nova Pioneer
regards to the nursery sector. Schools, where synthetic turf and play
equipment has been installed at two of
The pandemic has changed everything, these Gauteng schools, one in Paulshof
especially the way people interact with and one in Ruimsig.
each other. There is no substitute for
Briza Publications has donated a free copy
of a recently released book, “Making the
Most of Indigenous Trees”. The lucky reader
just needs to correctly answer the following
question: Why is Vachellia xanthophloea
(previously Acacia xanthophloea) commonly
known as the Fever Tree?
Please send your answer to The first correct
answer emailed to me will receive the prize.
Karyn Richards,
Landscape SA • Issue 94 2020 3