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           He states further: “Technique is everything.
           Soil, health, terroir and the quality of what
           you  feed/spray on  your  plants  is of  the
           utmost importance. Our water quality,
           isolated environment, soil diversity, in-
           ground  growing  technique  and  the
           Sonoma County sunshine have helped
           us maintain consistency and keep our
           production costs low.
           We practice Jadam methodology, a system
           based on 4000 year old Korean agricultural
           systems that work with nature to allow for
           healthy plants, increased flower quality,
           diverse cannabinoids, colour, flavour,
           strength and shelf life. Since we use a
           living soil technique, we do not have to
           continuously be buying and replacing
           soil as we are always building soil layer by
           Theron says that in the USA, there is a   he attempted to grow cannabis in pots:   or a ready to go 420 mix yielded better
           place for organic recreational cannabis   “With the increased demand for products   results sooner,” he explains.
           growing, and that “where South Africa is   in our garden centre after the change in
           today, California was ten years ago.”  laws around the use of cannabis, I wanted   Further observations he made
                                              to grow it as  a trial so  that I knew what   were that:
           Role of nurseries                  our customers were experiencing. As a
                                              horticulturist, I had seen it growing in the   •  container size did not determine the
           The cannabis market is still very new in   ground and looking healthy without much   size of the mature plant, and the type of
           South Africa and because the growing of   treatment  or  fertilisers,  and  it  made  me   container made no difference. However,
           it is difficult and technical, nurseries will   wonder what all the fuss was about”.  good drainage was essential;
           tend to stay away from it.  They are not                             •  a combination of well known organic
           permitted to sell cannabis seeds but may   He decided to sow seeds in a container   fertilisers as well as the made for
           eventually grow small plants.      as “this is definitely more popular for the   purpose Feed 4 Weed range gave similar
                                              younger generations who do not have   results, but the former definitely gave
           Theron says that there are so many   gardens  or  live  in  smaller  spaces.”  The   stronger stems and a deeper leaf colour;
           varieties  and  profiles  of  the  plant,  and   seeds were harvested from a healthy   •  water on the foliage seemed to be
           each strain needs its own temperature and   specimen grown in the ground, and he   a problem, and if not in full sun, the
           has different flowering times. “It’s a very   used a standard potting soil, discovering   container grown cannabis was more
           regulated industry and the pharmaceutical   that they did not like a high bark content   susceptible to mildew. He also had a
           profession has set the bar very high in   soil, and that it was necessary to flush the   bout of Red Spider on the plants against
           order to limit the number of people who   salt content out of the soil to get good   the hot wall, trying to keep them dry.
           might want to try and grow cannabis.”  growth. The seeds in the regular potting
                                              mix germinated quickly but  they were   Says Stewart: “In the end I decided that
           Wayne Stewart, owner of Eckards Garden   stunted and took their time to have a   growing  cannabis  was  not  just  a  simple
           Pavilion in Bedfordview, Gauteng, says   growth spurt. “Using a coco peat soil base   process and that all the gimmicks certainly
                                                                                add to the experience for youngsters.  For
                                                                                me though, growing in the ground with
                                                                                just some compost would be the better

                                                                                Personal choice

                                                                                Although in favour of indoor growing,
                                                                                Cilo Cybin believes that it’s a matter of
                                                                                choice as to what each person, nursery or
                                                                                company wants to achieve i.e recreational
                                                                                or medicinal growing. Theron and Slabber
                                                                                both  feel  that  indoor  growing  is  more
                                                                                consistent,  but  concede  that  outdoor
                                                                                growing  “gives a nicer experience”, as
                                                                                indicated by Zelig Kronberg.  LSA

                                                                                   Text by Karyn Richards.
                                                                                   Photos courtesy of Cilo Cybin

                                                                                     Landscape SA • Issue 97 2020      15
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