Page 16 - Landscape SA 98
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Excellent design overseeing and build representation.
Photo courtesy of Joanne Hilliar
site, claims for submission to the landscape costs more accurately and forecast any JB: Again this is an extensive subject.
architect and main contractor, invoicing issues that may arise in terms of spend You must know the process of getting
with accounts department and assisting on the project. Our new staff clock system the project planned, designed and
accounts with collection of monies owed. also assists us with speeding up the HR implemented. You need to be pro-active
payroll system, which is automated. and stay ahead of the flow of information.
Q: What are the project manager’s key JH: In addition to the above important
duties and responsibilities? Q: Please describe a day in the life of a tips, continued training of staff on site is
JB: I would say all of the above. landscaping project manager valuable to remind them of how the job
JH: Ensuring that the contract is running to JB: None of my days are the same – some should be done; also ongoing contact
schedule, that all parties take responsibility days are in the office, some days I’m with the client on the project’s progress,
for work being done, regular contact with travelling to the site and there are always a checking on the quality of plant material
the client via email and photos as to the lot of emails and messages to check. being delivered, rejecting plants that are
project’s progress, handover of the project JH: To be on top of a project’s daily not up to standard, flexibility and being
at completion and possibly negotiating functioning, good planning, keeping open to changes from the client as the
the maintenance contract as a follow- ahead of deliveries and generally having project progresses, making changes to
on to ensure that the project has been a good relationship with the client and all landscape drawings if plants allocated to
correctly managed and that plant growth staff. It is important to always return calls certain spaces are unsuitable.
is successful. and emails timeously. EF: Experience is when you learn how
DW: This depends very much on the EF: Stress and sleepless nights! LOL to manage. It helps to be able to think
project’s scope of work, but in general, it is on one’s feet at all times and to solve
as described in Question 3. Q: Different styles of project management problems timeously. Always listen to your
EF: To deliver a quality landscape in the – what works best? staff as they often have a simple solution
time given and to ensure the highest JB: The only way is to be involved and stay to a complex problem.
standards of installation. abreast of the process.
JH: In my opinion, this would be a project Q: How does the project manager bring
Q: Can technology assist in landscape manager who is very committed to the Covid into the picture? How does the
project management, and if so, how? project and is client-oriented to ensure pandemic change things?
JB: Yes, we use Teams for meetings, drop that the project is well managed. Good JB: This has held up many construction
box to share drawings and whatsapp communication, feedback to the client and projects but not design projects, which can
to sort out specific detail issues and being one step ahead of him/her in every be done remotely. Landscape construction
communicate with those on site. aspect of the project installation will be a should also be able to proceed but the
JH: The contract contribution is in some winner in terms of getting the job done concern about workers being in close
cases very technical from a project on time. Gardens to not talk and people proximity to one another holds back the
perspective, and the project manager will represent the landscape in all aspects of roll out of projects.
need to understand the different aspects the installation. JH: As far as the pandemic is concerned,
of technology that will help the project EF: Assertive, autocratic and a good all staff need to be thoroughly trained
run smoothly. Good computer skills, working relationship with your team. It in all aspects of Covid and the safety
an understanding of Excel and all the is essential to have a knowledgeable site precautions that need to be taken.
additional computer aids will greatly assist foreman, who is also well disciplined in Detection of the virus needs to be carefully
in the running of a successful project. terms of staff productivity on site. monitored and safety procedures and
DW: There are many technology solutions protocols implemented.
available on the market to assist with Q: Tips for landscape project managers, DW: A strict monitoring regime needs to
work flow planning, communication and for example problem solving, be put in place to screen employees on a
document management. analysing team members’ strengths daily basis for symptoms, because having
EF: Yes. FSG Property Services’ new and weaknesses, considering their a person exposed to the virus, and testing
accounting system allows us to manage suggestions positive, could have a huge effect on the
14 Landscape SA • Issue 98 2021