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            Layered  planting  around  the  footprint  of
            the building accentuates its architecture
            and provides a sleek effect

           possible, designed to offset the further   Menlyn Maine precinct. Only indigenous   Portulacaria affra was used in conjunction
           developing  of  a  heat  island  effect  that   species were used in order to give the   with Buddleja saligna, with a stark contrast
           many built cities have.  The extensive   desired effect, comply with the landscape   between the vibrant green of the former
           greenery provides a habitat for birds and   concept and realise the project brief.   and the rich grey foliage of the latter. This
           insects.                                                             species combination gives an identity
                                              Evergreen shrubs form the backdrop to the   to the different facades of the building;
           Soft landscape and planting        landscape  directly  against  the  footprint   the  Buddleja is able to grow into higher
                                              of the building; these will develop into   hedges  and was  planted against the
           All planting was carefully chosen to   formed  hedges  over  time  to  link  with   southern façade, where large walls were to
           fall within the guidelines of the greater   the contemporary style of the building.   be softened, whilst the Portulacaria gives
                                                                                a green welcome in lower planters at the
                                                                                main entrance.

                                                                                Flowering  groundcovers  such  as
                                                                                Agapanthus and  Aristea  ecklonii provide
                                                                                seasonal  colour  around  the  building,
                                                                                together with a further mass effect of the
                                                                                ornamental grass Aristida junciformis.

                                                                                Evergreen tree avenues of  Harpephyllum
                                                                                caffrum were used on the northern
                                                                                and  western  facades  of  the  building  to
                                                                                give ample shade cover in future to the
                                                                                glass facades, as well as to the spill-out
                                                                                balcony on the western façade which
                                                                                will later become an outside seating
                                                                                area. Deciduous tree avenues of  Kirkia
                                                                                accuminata were used on the southern
                                                                                façade of the building to give ample
                                                                                winter light to the plants below, as well
             Flower colour is restricted to blue and white to strengthen the mass effect of the landscape  as to link with the same tree species used

           4   Landscape SA • Issue 98 2021
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