Page 25 - Landscape SA Issue 107
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According to Zig Ziglar: investment. There is no question about it, it Invest in developing yourself and your
“You don’t build a business; pays to invest in your people and keep them teams’ leadership and management
you build people and then engaged and enthusiastic. skills. Whether you’re an aspiring, new or
seasoned leader, you need to have vision
the people build your Yet, why do so many companies not do and get the job done whilst bringing out this and so fail to live up to their planned the best in your staff.
business”. growth expectations?
But what makes a good leader? A leader
Marcos highlights that there are three main has to have a positive mindset and be able
he truth is that the success of a barriers to growth and many of them can to lead the way, have a compelling vision
business is not just about having be solved by having the right people with and growth mindset and create a positive
Ta great product or service, it is the right skills: culture of learning in the business.
also about the people who work in the • Leadership development
business and if you do not grow those • Infrastructure that can’t be scaled Regardless of what industry or business
people then your business will not grow. • Poor and ineffective marketing. you are in, you need to see yourself as more
than just, for example, a retail nursery or
Investing in your team is probably one of As a business owner or leader, it is critical landscaping business – every company
the best investments you can make as a to stay on top of these elements and to should also be a training ground where
business leader. If you want to grow your build your development plan around them your staff learn new skills that improve
business five or ten-fold, you need to start to ensure that you keep growing and your them as individuals and ultimately add
by growing your staff by the same amount business keeps growing. value to the company.
– and that does not mean increasing the
size of your staff – it means growing them Leadership development Business owners or leaders also need to
as individuals. Leadership development will ensure that invest in their own skills to become more
the leader’s competence and ability isn’t the versatile and effective. They need to be
According to Daniel Marcos of the Growth root cause of poor performance of a team able to make decisions – even if all the
Institute, studies have shown that companies and thus the business. Great companies critical data is not available; they also need
that invest in the training and education of have great inspiring leaders, whom people to be able to manage conflict and reduce
their people have seen a +300% ROI on this follow because of their vision and purpose. drama (especially in family run businesses).
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Landscape SA • Issue 107 2021 23