Page 26 - Landscape SA Issue 107
P. 26


          Successful leaders also need to actively   the business including people, supply   do not just involve traditional TV or print.
          seek feedback on their own effectiveness   chain, admin and finance to ensure that   •  EXCHANGE:  Appreciate the value of
          through self-assessment and 360-degree   whilst business grows, customer service is   things. Start by calculating the value of
          feedback from colleagues and peers. You   maintained.                your customers’ attention, engagement
          may think you are doing everything right,                            and permission and understand what it’s
          but your team may not feel the same.    Marketing effectiveness      worth to you.
                                            brian  Fetherstonhaugh  said  that  “If   • EVANGELISM: Find the passion and emotion
          Non-scalable infrastructure       there has ever been a time for change in   in  your  brand.  Inspire  your  customers  and
          Growth requires a business to be able to   marketing, this is it.”   employees  with  your  passion.  It’s  all  about
          scale.  This  is  not  only  limited  to  capital                    what people tell other people about their
          goods and infrastructure, but to people   The principles of marketing are constantly   experience with your business.
          too. Always ask: do we have sufficient   changing.  In  the  past  the  focus  was  the
          knowledge and ability about our product   four  P’s:  price,  promotion,  place  and   Marketing effectiveness tells us how
          and/or service to increase our offering? Too   product.   Today the focus is on the four   effective  a  given  market  strategy  is.  It’s
          often businesses are not able to scale up   E’s: experience, everyplace, exchange and   about testing and measuring different
          quickly, leading to lost opportunities.  evangelism.                 strategies and sticking to the ones that
                                                                               work, rather than the ones which have
          One of the problems is that the knowledge   Many elements of these principles are   always been used.
          and skills are often concentrated in one, or   driven by people, which is why upskilling
          at best, a few team members.  This can be   and investing in your team’s knowledge   Measuring our marketing effectiveness will
          disastrous for any business and has been   base is critical to ensure that your business   help decrease client acquisition cost and
          apparent during the current Covid-19   moves with the times.         increase the lifetime value. As a business
          pandemic  where  the absence or loss  of                             leader, you want your marketing investment
          key members of staff as a result of illness or   Fetherstonhaugh believes that “it’s time for   to give you a 10x ROI and to achieve positive
          death has negatively impacted businesses,   marketing to move on. Retool. Evolve. And   results in both the short- and long-term.
          even bringing some to their knees.      that is what the four E’s are about.”
                                                                               I  would  love  to  connect  with  you  and
          As your business grows, additional capital   So, what are the four E’s?  understand your thinking.
          may be required and to access capital, a   •  EXPERIENCE: Marketers should plot the
          business must be investable and attractive   full  ‘customer  journey’  on your brand  and   If  you  want  to  develop  your  staff  –  start
          to a shareholder, bank or private funder.     in your own community to ensure that the   with yourself.  Whether you are a business
          This means that it needs to be running   experience is everything it is supposed to be.  owner, director or manager, improving
          smoothly and be able to cope with the   •  EVERYPLACE: Businesses need to be   your skills and leadership potential will
          additional volumes and pressure that   everywhere today – marketers need to   mean you can improve the performance of
          growth may bring.   This requires careful   develop a knowledge of new media and   your team, staff or organisation.
          planning and investing in all aspects of   channels.  They need to do new things that
                                                                               Connect with me today to schedule your
                                                                               one-hour complimentary business strategy
            Your business needs to be running smoothly and be                  consultation session.
            able to cope with the additional volumes and pressure              Yours in business,
                                                                               Coach Bert
            that growth may bring                                     n

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