Page 8 - LandscapeSA Issue 108
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lectric cars rely on charging from the local electricity network. Growthpoint and Rubicon
Approximately 90% of South Africa’s electricity is produced from As part of its environmental commitment, Growthpoint has long
Ecoal and it is ranked among the top 15 emitters of greenhouse invested in renewable energy and plans to grow this investment.
gases globally. The country’s fossil fuel-dependent power grid that Rubicon has proven to be a trusted partner in achieving greener
supplies most buildings is far from emission-free. buildings with better environmental impacts.
However, 144 Oxford has a rooftop solar plant. The concept of “The energy and e-mobility divisions are dynamic segments of our
generating renewable energy for electric vehicles results in a “zero- business,” says Rubicon Group’s director of energy and e-mobility,
emissions” operation. In this case, the blending of the solar powered Greg Blandford. “Our focus is to accelerate the adoption of
green building at 144 Oxford and the Tesla Model X all-electric renewable energy sources and we are very pleased to form a part
vehicle produces the best possible environmental outcomes – no of that value chain along with partners such as Growthpoint.”
carbon dioxide emissions, thus improving urban air quality and
moving away from non-renewable fossil fuel power and shrinking For South Africa’s biggest real estate investment trust (REIT), solar
carbon footprints. power is an exciting opportunity and a strong business case with
an average return on investment of four to five years. By 2020,
Estienne de Klerk, CEO of Growthpoint Properties SA, comments: it had already installed 7.5MW of renewable energy across its
“Environmental sustainability is at the core of our business. For portfolio. As it accelerates its steps to reduce carbon emissions on
more than a decade, Growthpoint has been at the forefront of the its journey to carbon neutrality, Growthpoint is confident it will
movement towards greener buildings and has built a reputation attain 20mw solar power by the end of FY22. By 2026, it intends
as a leader and innovator in this space. Protecting the natural to increase this to 46MW. The announcement that companies can
environment is a critical component of our clearly defined ESG now invest in solar plants of up to 100MW without the need for a
strategy which influences our performance for all our stakeholders. generation licence from the national regulator has further fuelled
We want to do better in this regard and have set targets for all Growthpoint’s enthusiasm towards renewable energy, adding
Growthpoint’s corporate offices to operate at net-zero carbon by financial viability to its carbon neutral 2050 commitment.
2030. We also expect several of our portfolio buildings to achieve
net-zero carbon by this time because we are already working “Our innovative collaboration with Rubicon’s Tesla Model X at 144
towards having all Growthpoint buildings achieve target by 2050.” Oxford demonstrates that buildings are where the rubber hits the
road on the journey to carbon reduction. It highlights the direct
To meet this target, Growthpoint is driving two key strategic impacts that a building’s power source can have on reducing
initiatives. It is reducing the energy consumption and associated carbon emissions, and leaves no doubt that green energy and
emissions of its buildings by ensuring they are energy efficient, green buildings are the future,” says head of sustainability and
and having this externally certified. It is also introducing additional utilities at Growthpoint Properties, Grahame Cruickshanks.
renewable energy to its property portfolio by installing more solar
plants at its buildings. “With the increasing threat of climate change due to the
emissions of greenhouse gases, it’s necessary to explore greener
As a case in point, the newly developed 144 Oxford exemplifies solutions, such as moving to electric vehicles which are, on
Growthpoint’s green building commitment and has achieved a 5 balance, better for the environment. By providing electric vehicle
Star Green Rating by the Green Building Council of South Africa. All charging stations at buildings in our portfolio where there is
green certified buildings are energy efficient, and its rooftop solar demand, particularly our shopping centres, and ensuring that
installation, which adds renewable power to the building’s energy buildings such as 144 Oxford are future-proofed for charging
mix, made a significant contribution towards this rating. 144 Oxford stations, Growthpoint is meeting the rising demand for electric
has been chosen by Growthpoint to pursue net-zero carbon building vehicle charging in South Africa. We are making it possible for
certification. more people to plug into a greener grid, thanks to solar power in
a growing number of our buildings. This also creates awareness
Growthpoint’s transformative approach to green building is about environmental-friendly transport,” adds Cruickshanks.
revolutionising commercial buildings in South Africa. It owns the
biggest portfolio of Green Star-rated buildings in the country and Growthpoint’s ongoing investment in green energy and green
continues to find ways to improve its existing buildings’ green buildings will continue reducing greenhouse gas emissions,
performance, ensuring that it maintains these standards over time. creating energy and water efficiency, extending the life cycle of
It was a Growthpoint development and asset that became the first assets and ensuring continuity of power supply to its buildings.
building in Africa to be rated according to the International wEll
Building Institute’s Core and Shell Building Standards, which is the Information supplied by Growthpoint Properties and Rubicon Group.
first rating system to focus exclusively on the impact of buildings on Photos courtesy of Growthpoint Properties.
human health and wellness. |
“Our focus is to accelerate the
adoption of renewable energy sources
and we are very pleased to form a
part of that value chain along with
partners such as Growthpoint.”
6 Landscape SA • Issue 108 2021