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          Jo-Anne Hilliar, founder of Landscape Design Consultants International, is a senior
          SALI judge and landscape educator with many years of experience in the South
          African landscaping industry. In the article below, she gives her views on the KZN
          projects she judged for the 2022 SALI Awards of Excellence.

          Conmar Horticulture: Play area designed into the landscape  Conmar Horticulture: Areas of mass planting designed into the landscape

          Conmar Horticulture: Park seating within the relaxation and   Conmar Horticulture: Children’s play area incorporated into a large
          exercise area                                    sandpit setting
              s a senior judge working specifically   innovative  materials  were  used  in  the   As the senior national judge for KZN over
              on  KZN  landscapes,  I  was  very   design;                     the past three years, it has been rewarding
         Aencouraged by the high standard   4.  The feature of each project was based   to see that the emphasis of the awards, and
          of  all  the  projects.  Overall  compliance   on planting combinations and the use   creating indigenous, endemic landscapes
          with the briefs, presented either verbally   of endemic planting. In some cases, hard   with a strong sustainable brief, has been
          or by plan, was exceptionally well   landscaping elements were phenomenal;     prioritised.
          executed and depicted exactly what   5.  Sustainability of all the designs judged
          design planners need to do in order to   required no further exploration from the   The judges’ checklist for rating the projects
          deliver a successful end product to the   contractors or ourselves;   encompasses all aspects of compliance -
          client.                           6.  The plant material and species chosen   from innovation to sustainability, unusual
                                              were exceptionally well displayed or   materials, earthworks, shaping and quality
          Some of my observations are as follows:  well positioned in the landscape, and   of  plant  material.  Ultimately,  the  entire
          1.  Species planted for a particular project   this made our job as judges a lot easier,   presentation of the landscape and its
           were carefully chosen, showing a   without too much questioning.    workings was very evident.
           self-sustaining landscape with water
           resources being only briefly required.     It  was  for  me  very  evident  that  the   The  landscapes  represented  in  KZN  for
           This applied for all the entries;  contractors who entered their projects   2022 all won awards, which was extremely
          2.  A high percentage of endemics occur   really  revealed  the  essence  of  what  SALI   gratifying, but  two of  these really stood
           in  this climatic  biome  and were very   is all about, namely showing who the   out  for  me.    The  first  was  executed  by
           well researched;                 top  landscapers  are, but at  the same   McWades Landscapes and achieved the top
          3.  Overall, the design projects were of a   time providing opportunities for newer   environmental landscaping award for the
           high standard and the different design   members to gain experience as they grow   transformation of an overrun alien forest
           plan briefs were encouraging. Many   in the industry.               amongst indigenous trees.  The emerging

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