Page 27 - LandscapeSAIssue118
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           Summer  days in  South
           Africa bring to mind
           lush, green gardens and

           one way to achieve this
           is to feed the soil that in
           turn feeds our plants.

               here are two main types of fertilisers
               available – synthetic and natural.
           TFertilisers are characterised by the
           proportions  of  three  macro-nutrients,
           namely  nitrogen  (N),  phosphorous  (P)
           and potassium (K).  These are depicted
           as ratios of each nutrient in the mixture.
           For example, a fertiliser denoting the
           NPK formula 3:1:5 (18) on the bag means
           that 18% of the  fertiliser contains the
           active  ingredients  NPK  at  their  specific   Healthy soil will support healthy plants
           proportions, with the rest being a carrier.
           Nitrogen is generally responsible for
           feeding  the green  growth of  the plant,
           phosphorous is responsible for root growth
           and  flower  and  fruit  development,  while
           potassium is largely responsible for overall
           plant growth, including that of roots and

           On the whole, synthetic fertilisers are
           more  concentrated  and  have  specific
           dosage rates within each bag, while
           natural (organic) fertilisers can vary slightly
           depending on the source of product. There
           is a wide range of fertilisers, both solid and
           liquid types, available in any good garden
           centre or farming produce store. Natural/
           organic fertilisers are now freely available
           and  are  very  beneficial  for  soil  structure,
           as well as for earthworms that need to
           be encouraged in garden soil. Organic
           fertilisers also assist in absorbing and
           holding  water,  while  improving  beneficial
           bacteria in the soil, which are a food source   Improve your soil with natural and organic fertilisers
           for soil microbes that in turn add more
           carbon to the soil within their own life cycle.  together with  a large  amount of  wood   •  Organic  fertilisers  –  several  different
           Examples of these products can be   shavings  which  still  need  to  decompose   brands  are  available,  with  fairly  specific
           obtained from a range of local sources such   so will remove nitrogen from the soil in   quantities of NPK listed as ingredients.
           as:                                 the  first  decomposition  phase  before
           •  Cattle  manure  –  ensure  that  this  is  well   nitrogen is released again.  Enjoy the warm summer days and always
            decomposed and at least four to six   •  Compost – the quality of this depends on   remember to be Water Wise!
            months old before you use it.      the plants used to produce it.  Very few
           •  Chicken manure – this can be very strong   composts are actually 100% weed free.   For  more  information  visit
            and has high phosphorus levels which   When buying compost always check that and  click on the
            can  burn  plants.  Use  with  caution  and   it is well rotted.     Water  Wise  logo.  Alternatively,  email  us
            ensure it is at least 12 months old before     •  Mushroom compost – this is usually sterile   at or call us
            applying it.                       and weed free and is a good source for   at  0860  10  10  60. We  also  have YouTube,
           •  Horse  manure  –  this  is  often  supplied   gardens or pots.     Twitter, and Facebook!        n

                                                                                           Landscape SA • Issue 118 2022    25
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