Page 7 - Landscape-Issue125
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New tree planting in Corten steel containers.
The interactive water feature is playful and children are encouraged to use it
The landscape scope of work involved the • replanting trees on the ‘super deck’ Soft and hard landscaping
following: where they were not flourishing due Noteworthy points for the soft landscaping
• excavation of existing soil; to strong wind tunnels and limited soil are that:
• introduction of lightweight soil to re- volume due to weight constraints; and • Harpephyllum caffrum was the tree of
establish existing soil levels and fill • in order to improve and formalise choice, replacing the previously planted
planters; pedestrian access, additional seating was Vachellia xanthophloea which was
• construction of hard landscape introduced, as was a playful, interactive not doing well due to the windy site
elements, planting, irrigation and water feature for children to enjoy. conditions. Corten steel pots have been
maintenance; placed one metre above the deck level to
• creation of a shaped lawn area; and Landscape design philosophy enable new trees to establish themselves
• installing new planting to fill gaps in the The design concept took into account better. Planters were used to increase
existing planting, as well as replacing all the use of existing elements that were the volume of soil, and potting soil is a
windswept trees with more wind-hardy successful, and combining these with mix of sandy soil and compost to form
species. new interventions, both horticultural and topsoil with a weight suitable for use on
hardscaping. This involved making better the deck;
In addressing the above issues to improve use of the existing space and planted areas • the lawn area was reshaped to create
the experience as a whole for visitors and to create an inviting green lung. It was felt an amphitheatre for music festivals,
users alike, Planning Partners undertook that existing trees were not providing concerts and events. Buffalo grass was
the following: enough shade due to their being planted used but this may be overseeded in time
• a new proposal re-imagined the space on the deck, and there was not enough soil with other species. The area needs to be
to enlarge it and make it more user- to allow them to grow to a better size. able to withstand constant foot traffic;
friendly. This involved the re-shaping of In terms of environmental considera- • a lot of source material was available in
a lawn area to provide a usable outdoor tions, the design also needed to be water the existing planters and this was split
space for functions and events; sensitive. and divided for re-use.
Landscape SA • Issue 125 2023 5