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The white structures are decorative features requested by the client
The water feature is lit up at night
perimeter wall was built around the prefab used machinery which emitted the lowest
unit, the in-between section was filled, and possible decibel readings.
a slab was cast, followed by a paved finish Steyn adds: “Projects under construction
to the splash pad. are often unsightly but on this one, we
Giliomee says: “The Corten is one of our had to ensure that the site was kept as
signature finishes; we like to use it because aesthetically unobtrusive as possible, as the
it is tough, looks good and is very practical surrounding eateries and the client did not
in a public application.” The splash pad want to impede business operations. This
water storage is in the centre area of the required a full-time occupational health and
pad, under the gratings. It has a filtration safety officer monitoring the installation at
pump and filter that run all the time, all times.”
cleaning the water. A feature pump runs the As the Waterfront is one of the country’s
spouts, which open and close by means of a busiest tourist attractions, there were
programmed PLC and electronic valves that tourists on the site at all times of the day;
give the splash pad its interactive effect.” it can also be viewed from the surrounding
high-rise buildings and Contours
Landscape installation Landscapes had to ensure that existing
This was undertaken by Contours structures, assets and people were not
Landscapes and Stephen Steyn says that impacted by their work.
the scope of works was very well defined
by Planning Partners, who “made easy Irrigation and maintenance
what should have been a complicated and The existing irrigation system was
technical installation”. refurbished and reinstalled, with drippers
With the project being located on top to all planting beds and rotary pop-ups to
of a basement and restricted access to the lawn area.
the work site, the use of earth moving Contours Landscapes has a 12-month
equipment was prohibited. Manual labour maintenance contract to ensure that the
was therefore used to remove existing soil, new landscaping is properly established
import a lightweight growing medium and and that the vision of Planning Partners
attend to all other landscape tasks. endures. Thereafter, the V & A’s own in-
As the project is surrounded by coffee house project management team will
shops and restaurants packed with patrons, continue with maintenance.
Contours’ working hours were restricted
to times when these establishments were Photos supplied by Planning Partners and
at their quietest. Where they could, they Contours Landscapes. Text by Karyn Richards. n
Landscape SA • Issue 125 2023 7