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CAT® now offers a comprehensive range of their technically advanced cordless power
tools which have a longer motor life, 50% more run time, 25 % more power, new
advanced brushless motors and the new 18V CAT Li-ion batteries.
he latest range to select from is the
DX12 power drill, DX51B jig saw, the
TDX53B circular saw, the DX31B angle
grinder, DX42B orbital sander and a full
range of specialist drills and grinders.
CAT has introduced this range into all
stores. CAT® machines are recognised as
the leader in building and construction.
Globally, the CAT® logo has become a
legendary icon, often worn as a badge
symbolising grit, toughness and a get-
it-done attitude. CAT® products are
engineered for superior performance,
designed to last and backed by the largest,
most experienced dealer support network
in the world.
The rugged power tool market is set to
heat up in South Africa, with CAT® extending
its international blue-chip brand with their
latest in cordless power tools. These are sold been in mining, construction, engineering,
and marketed in South Africa by the Positec agriculture and all associated trades, but
Group, who also manufacture the brand. we have also earned a strong following in
The range includes power tools lifestyle-led activities like high performance
that will soon be running on the clothing, outdoor and sporting pursuits.
latest graphene battery system. This Over time we’ve evolved our portfolio
technology is set to lead the way in to reflect these core segments within
the 18 V cordless tool category. our customer base.” Wencel says that
All the new tools are available the updated CAT® power tool range is
through mass stores and an made up of a universal battery system:
exclusive online retail service one battery, one power supply fits all
w w w. c a t p o w e r t o o l s . c o . z a . models of CAT® cordless tools in the
Compared to current cordless tools range. This gives users added value,
on the market, CAT® products are enabling them to expand their range
more compact, have greater power, of tools at a lower cost. Wencel explains:
are faster and incredibly tough, making “Users of power tools have changed in a
them the ultimate cordless tools. They world that requires faster solutions with
have undergone rigorous testing including greater degrees of flexibility. CAT® delivers
repeated drop tests, repetitive endurance solutions that live up to our promise.”
tests, extensive water, dirt and dust tests, The CAT® brand will be available
plus temperature extreme survivability, export director for Sub-Saharan Africa at exclusively through all leading mass
vibration and tumble tests, which is typical Positec International. stores, hardware retailers and via a
of CAT®. “We are well known for making unique online retail program. Visit
“Understanding our customers and technically advanced, tough tools
giving them what they need in a power tool that grow markets and offer users true For all CAT® enquiries contact Greg de
is core to our business,” said Wiktor Wencel, innovation. Our heartland has traditionally Villiers or Dion van Rensburg at Positec SA.
Positec SSA: Contact Greg de Villiers on 081 030 8944 or email or Dion on http://www.CAT®
Leading Brands WORX, CAT®, and KRESS.
Positec Marketing e mail
Trade inquiries welcome
20 Landscape SA • Issue 129 2023