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In  the  case  of  point  1  above,  McWades   waste and a total of 485 cubes of waste has   2022, the estate recorded 190 mm of rain
           recorded a total of 868 plants sold since the   been processed into mulch.  The chipping   which did cause damage to the dams due
           opening of the nursery in November 2022.   machine has operated for a total of 101   to the strong flow of water. They have since
           This comprised a combination of trees,   hours since the beginning of August 2022.  been rebuilt.
           shrubs, groundcovers and trays sold.                                    Feature planters have been installed
            In the case of point 2, the total revenue   The report also mentioned the following:  at the  West Gate entrance, making a
           turnover since the nursery opened in   Each McWades staff member received five   major difference to the aesthetics of this
           November 2022 was R15 135 – 00.    sets of new uniforms, which has lead to a   area. Cycads and aloes are the focal point
            In  the  case  of  point  3,  a  total  of  5956   very positive attitude and work ethic.  and understory planting provides a low
           plants were propagated from August to   New store rooms have been set up,   maintenance garden, re-using existing
           December 2022. These ranged in bag sizes   ensuring efficiency when collecting and   plants that were on site.
           from 0,5 to 20L bags, with 1L being the most   offloading equipment.
           popular bag size being used.        The garden beds at the islands in front of   Added value
            In the case of point 4, the total number   The Capital Hotel were upgraded using only   McWades installed the nursery as an out-
           of plants taken from the nursery and   existing plants which were split, divided and   of-pocket expense and a value-add to the
           planted by residents between August and   replanted.  Garden  beds  were  finished  off    estate. Even with a tight budget, they had to
           December 2022 was 3635. They were also   with the mulch produced at the chipping   ensure that the nursery ‘looked spectacular’
           planted throughout the estate in various   yard, and this made a major difference to   for the estate and its residents.
           areas such as the north gate circle, Zimbali   the outcome of the completed landscape.  In  addition,  they  have  committed  to
           Drive,  Westgate Corner, Zimbali Lodge   By the end of November 2022, McWades   delivering plant material purchased by
           entrance, the golf course and numerous   had completed the building of 14 beaver   residents to their homes, at no charge.
           streets.                           dams which successfully withstood and
            In  the  case  of  point  5,  the  chipping   survived the very heavy rains, with only   Information and photos supplied by McWades
           yard has received a total of 1530 cubes of   minimal repair work needed. In December   Landscapes   n

                                                                                           Landscape SA • Issue 130 2023    21
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