Page 23 - Landscape-Issue132
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Vectron and Freedom Won panels
A solar system is technical and complex, requiring The lifespan of a solar PV system is 20 years on average
the relevant expertise for installation
full ownership of the system after the loan solar installation only and you will need to of authenticity and are authorised
is repaid. have your valid, initial COC for your home or importers of OEMs (original equipment
• Scalability: Many people start with a business premises in place already. Check manufacturer).
scalable solar hybrid solution that takes that your installer complies with relevant • Quality management: Check whether your
care of immediate needs for back-up power health and safety regulations during provider has a CRM (customer relationship
during load shedding and power failures – installation. management) system which records the
much like a UPS - and then allows you to • Membership of a professional industry detailed installation and service history
scale up to self-generation by adding solar body: Check whether your provider is of your system, which means consistent
panels and additional batteries if needed. registered and a current member of a quality control, warranty management
However, not all inverters offer this scalable professional industry body such as SAPVIA and business continuity for you. Is there
functionality so it’s essential to work with (South African Photovoltaic Industry the back-up of a national franchise or
a solar partner who is experienced in this Association). Is your installer a certified PV branch network if your original installer is
field and understands your objectives. Green Card installer? no longer around in a few years’ time for
• NRS-097 regulations: Check that the • Insurance: Does your installer have the whatever reason?
inverter specified is on the list of inverters/ requisite business insurance such as public • Handover: What is the handover process
equipment in terms of NRS 097-2-1 and and contractor’s liability and goods in of the solar plant once installed? Typically,
that it can be legally connected to the grid. transit cover to insure your goods while this will involve an overview or induction
Do your research and be comfortable that in storage and transit to your site? If your of how your system operates, details about
the products are best-in-class. contractor is involved in an accident or their monitoring, maintenance and handover of
• SSEG (small scale embedded generator) vehicle is hijacked and your equipment is warranty documents and the COC, once
registration: All councils require you to damaged or lost, are they suitably insured signed off by a qualified electrician.
apply for authorisation of an embedded for the hardware for which you have likely • Back-up and support: Check that your
generation system such as a rooftop solar paid a deposit? Once the equipment is solar installer provides ongoing support,
PV that is connected to the grid. As the delivered to your premises and installed annual site inspections if needed and
property owner, you would need to make with a valid COC, the liability for its care and services – solar geysers and heat pumps
this application in person, or your installer safe keeping then lies with you, and needs require an annual service, and inverters
may offer to do this for you at a fee to to be added to your insurance cover. and batteries will need firmware updates
handle the documentation and application • Warranties and product quality: Does from time to time. Does your provider
process on your behalf. Install only inverters your installer have the financial backing offer remote monitoring, maintenance
on the NRS-097 list so that your equipment and proven reputation of standing by and technical support to keep your system
is compliant with any SSEG registration all product warranties and money-back working optimally?
process. Be especially wary of any provider guarantees? What are the warranties on the
who does not inform you of this important equipment? Be especially wary of pricing The journey to grid independence is
process upfront or says it is not required. on equipment that sounds too good to important and you need to be sure that the
• Safety and compliance: A non-compliant be true – it probably is. Theft and resale of steps you take today are right for your needs
installation has significant implications stolen equipment is rife, as are counterfeit down the line.
for your safety and your insurance goods – those rock-bottom prices are often
cover if things go wrong and you need indicative of the many cheap, counterfeit Visit to
to claim. Make sure that you receive a goods flooding the market from dodgy download a comprehensive checklist of all
COC (certificate of compliance) for your dealers. Work with installers who only the considerations you should be looking at,
installation from a qualified electrician – procure their equipment from legitimate and the important questions to ask of any
this will be a supplementary COC for the vendors who can provide certificates prospective solar installer. n
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