Page 25 - Landscape-Issue132
P. 25


           USING AI TO

           IMPROVE                                                                                 Pollen counts
                                                                                                   are often
                                                                                                   difficult to
           POLLEN                                                                                  predict during
                                                                                                   spring when
                                                                                                   counts are

           Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being used          sticky tape. The only challenge is that we need to have a period of
                                                               validation, so for a time, we will put a conventional volumetric trap
           by South African scientists to detect               next to the automatic AI counter to verify the accuracy of the analysis.
           and classify pollen spores in real time,            Once the AI has been sufficiently trained to recognise grains that are
                                                               indigenous to South Africa, it will be able to classify species very
           which may improve forecasting of                    quickly. Main allergens such as grass, plane and cypress trees, as well
                                                               as fungal species such as Alternaria, Aspergillus and Cladosporium,
           bio-aerosols that trigger respiratory               should be easy for the AI to identify as these are found worldwide.
                                                                 Pollen counts are often difficult to predict during spring when
           illnesses like hay fever and asthma.                counts are highest and the weather is changing daily. Having access
                                                               to reliable, real-time pollen readings will significantly improve
                                                               forecasting and help hay fever sufferers to mitigate bothersome
                                                               symptoms that include a runny or itchy nose, sneezing, itchy and
                                                               watery eyes, as well as nasal congestion.”

                                                               2023 pollen forecast with El Niño thrown into the mix
                                                               He says this year’s pollen season depends largely on the weather,
                                                               but that hay fever sufferers can expect higher than normal grass
                                                               counts. “We are already seeing high tree counts in Cape Town with
                                                               exceptionally high tree counts in Bloemfontein.”
                                                                 The El Niño weather phenomenon could also influence the timing
           Automated pollen sense counters are being set up in key biomes across the   and severity of this year’s allergy season. It is typically associated with
           country to provide real-time pollen readings.       hot and dry conditions, but certain regions could receive increased
                                                               precipitation, along with higher than average temperatures leading
              rof. Jonny Peter, head of the Division of Allergology and Clinical   to enhanced pollen production.
              Immunology at Groote Schuur and the UCT Lung Institute, who   “The underlying influence of climate change makes the country
          Palso  leads  the  South  African  Pollen  Network  (SAPNET),  says   extremely vulnerable to the effects of El Niño,” remarks Prof Peter.
           the monitoring of airborne pollen provides an important source   “In Europe, El Niño has caused extreme weather events, and some
           of information for the globally increasing number of hay fever and   countries have reported earlier starts and extended pollen seasons.
           asthma sufferers.                                   In the UK, record grass counts were recorded.”
              Up  to  now,  scientists  have  manually  counted  airborne  pollen
           and spore types using volumetric air samplers that suck air from the   SAPNET partners with SA Weather Service to help
           environment, collecting the particles it traps on adhesive tape, which   allergy sufferers
           are then analysed under a microscope by a pollen expert. However,   Prof. Peter says that in addition to the South African Pollen Network
           the process is cumbersome and costly. With the latest developments   providing allergy sufferers with up-to-date pollen counts, its recent
           in image recognition methods and machine learning, automating   partnership with the SA Weather Service (SAWS) will also give the
           this process has become feasible.                   public and healthcare practitioners access to information related to
            Prof. Peter says by combining cutting-edge technologies like AI   air pollution, which includes carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and
           and imaging flow cytometry, which measures the size, count, shape   ozone – all of which are linked to the worsening of allergic diseases.
           and structure of a cell, they can build a system for South Africa that   “As the SAPNET expands, the aim is to provide information in real
           can  identify  and  categorise  pollen  more  accurately  and  at  much   time of what is in the air – spanning the spectrum of air pollution,
           faster rates. AI can also help to model historic environmental change.  pollens, microplastics and other irritants. We’ll also be working with
            Pollen grains from different plant species are unique and   different communities to further research that is being done on
           identifiable based on their individual features. Analysing which   indoor pollutants which also play a big role, particularly in asthma
           pollen grains are captured in samples from sediment cores in lakes   and asthma exacerbation in children.”
           can help scientists get a better grasp on which plants were thriving   Thanks to funding from Clicks,  Thermo Fisher, Glenmark
           at any given point in history, potentially dating back thousands to   Pharmaceuticals,  Cipla  and  Dr  Reddy’s,  SAPNET  currently  covers
           millions of years. Its numerous applications are transforming the way   ten biomes which include Cape Town, George, Gqeberha, Durban,
           scientists conduct research and accelerate scientific productivity.  Johannesburg, Pretoria, Potchefstroom, Bloemfontein and Kimberley.
            Two  AI  counters  have  already  been  set  up  in  Pretoria  and   For up-to-date pollen counts per region, visit
           Kimberley, with two more in Cape Town and Durban coming on line   Knowing the daily pollen count will assist hay fever sufferers to better
           soon. Bloemfontein and Johannesburg will also follow.   manage their condition as grasses, weeds, trees and shrubs pollinate
            Prof. Peter says: “It works in a similar way to the volumetric spore   at different times.
           trap that sucks pollen onto the cellulose membrane, but then it
           takes a photo of it. From there, AI takes over and it is trained using   Information and photos supplied by Meropa Communications on behalf of
           large volumes of images to recognise the individual grains on the   the UCT Lung Institute.         n

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