Page 25 - Landscape-Issue134
P. 25


             orld  Wetlands  Day  (WWD)  is                                     fosters biodiversity, creating a balanced and
             commemorated every  year  on  2                                    ecologically rich ecosystem.
       WFebruary, however the awareness
       continues beyond  this date.  This occasion is                           Carbon emission reduction
       essential in raising public awareness of wetlands                        Instead of emitting carbon dioxide into the
       and appreciation for the importance of these                             atmosphere, wetlands sequester carbon in their
       ecosystems. Wetlands make up only 2.4% of the                            soil and plant communities, thereby fostering a
       country’s area - approximately 300 000 wetlands                          more moderate global climate.
       remain. About half of South Africa’s native
       wetland area has been lost. Out of the 791 wetland                       Enhanced water quality

       ecosystem types found in South Africa, most of                           The wetland environment e ectively removes
       them are under threat, with 48% being critically                         pollutants, sediments and excess nutrients from
       endangered, 12% being endangered, 5% being                               the greywater, resulting in cleaner and more
       vulnerable, and 35%  being  least threatened.                            environmentally friendly water.
       According to Ramsar sites on wetlands, only 11%
       of South African wetlands are protected, leaving                         Contribution to sustainable water
       over 70% with no protection.  This year’s focal                          management
       WWD theme was “Wetlands and Human  Well-                                 The  integration  of  wetlands  into  greywater
       being” which emphasises the essential role that                          treatment aligns seamlessly with sustainable
       wetlands  play  in  enhancing  human  well-being,                        water management practices, thus reducing the
       and for providing the ecological services required                       environmental impact on freshwater resources
       for our survival and quality of life. Wetlands can                       and promoting responsible and eco-friendly
       be natural or arti cial (constructed wetlands)                           water usage.

       and both types are essential for delivering a
       wide range of ecosystem services that improve                            Creation of additional habitats
       the health of the environment and human   friendly irrigation  solution for your  plants and   Constructed wetlands designed for greywater
       well-being; one of these is the ability to  clean   soil. A Rand Water – Water Wise research study   treatment  also serve to create habitats  that
       greywater in the landscape to more acceptable   demonstrated  that  constructed  wetlands   support local ecosystems, aligning with
       standards.                           possess the capability to reduce the presence   conservation  e orts  to  protect  and  nurture

                                            of E. coli bacteria in greywater (Stelli, 2018). This   diverse plant and animal life.
       What is a constructed wetland?       leads to an improved safety pro le for greywater

       A constructed wetland is an arti cial ecosystem   use.                   Water Wise has developed a simple and cost-

       designed to replicate the natural functions of a                         effective solution to treat domestic greywater
       wetland serving water treatment purposes and   Make your landscape design more   for use in the landscape.  This low-cost, sub-
       providing advantages to your landscape. In this   #WaterWise by using a constructed   surface horizontal constructed wetland system
       system, greywater undergoes a gradual cleaning   wetland to  lter household greywater  is designed to be implemented in garden and

       and  ltration process as it passes through the                           urban landscapes and can be adapted to suit

       constructed wetland before being discharged.   Natural and e ective treatment  the volume of greywater produced. The design
       The root system of the plants within the wetland   Wetlands o er a naturally e ective method   of this system ensures that there is no pooling

       contributes by releasing oxygen into the water,   for treating greywater, eliminating the need   of greywater on the surface and no smell
       fostering  a  conducive  environment  for  aerobic   for extensive chemical processes. The intricate   or water-borne pests such as mosquitoes.
       microbial and fungal activities.  This approach   interplay of wetland vegetation, soil, and micro-  The guide can be accessed and downloaded
       helps reduce the presence of toxins, bacteria   organisms  contributes to the  organic  and   for free by going to the Rand Water website,
       and other chemicals that may be present in   sustainable treatment of greywater.  clicking on the Water Wise logo and looking
       untreated greywater. These biological processes                          under the Green Industry tab.
       are integral for the breakdown of pollutants   Support for biodiversity
       and organic materials present in the greywater,   The presence of wetland vegetation not
       and ensure a safer and more environmentally   only enhances greywater treatment but also
                                                                                       Always be #WaterWise
      Image sources from: https://live.static
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