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          FiberRock GSC supplied for an Umdloti repair project



             ibertex South Africa forms part of   MD of Fibertex South Africa, says: “We believe
             Fibertex  Nonwovens  -  a  leading   a brand is a pledge and we at Fibertex are
         Fmanufacturer of a comprehensive    always mindful of our brand promise that
          range  of  nonwovens  and  performance-  forms a critical part of our corporate identity.   Geotextiles for bank stabilisation,
          based materials used in diverse industries.   Our logo – the navy  blue elephant –  was   drainage and soil erosion protection
          The company, established in Denmark in   created  in  the  late  1960’s,  relating  to  the
          1968, continues to grow as a global player   launch  of  a  secondary  backing  material
          through an unwavering focus on excellence,   developed by Fibertex for the carpet
          ethical standards and sustainability.   industry. Since then, this distinctive logo
           The  Fibertex  geosynthetics  range  has become a well established component
          encompasses  nonwoven  and  woven  of  the  Fibertex  corporate  identity,
          geotextiles, gabions, mattresses, drainage   encompassing valuable characteristics such
          pipes, fittings and erosion control and   as strength, trustworthiness and wisdom.
          cellular confinement solutions. The company   For over 50 years, the Fibertex team has
          also supplies soil reinforcing products   fostered close relationships with customers
          including geogrids and geocells, as well as   worldwide and we are committed to
          geosynthetic clay liners as part of composite   excellence and the highest ethical standards
          lining systems in modern landfills.   in everything we do. Our mission is to
           Fibertex products are manufactured to   create superior value for our customers and
          consistent quality standards at all production   shareholders through innovative solutions,
          facilities globally, and are supported by a   technological  leadership  and  people  Geotextiles for separation and filtration
          technical advisory and back-up service.   excellence. Our R&D team responds rapidly
           Concern for the environment is critical at   to market demands, ensuring dependable
          Fibertex and no chemical binders are used   and sustainable world-class solutions”.
          in  products  or  the  production  process.  In   Products  are  eco-friendly,  using  high-
          addition to the wide range of products made   performance  Fibertex  materials  which
          from virgin polypropylene (PP), Fibertex also   comply with stringent quality, environmental
          has a range of products based on recycled   and health specifications.  They play an
          polyester  (RPET).  No  waste  is  discarded   important role in specialist sectors including
          from the facility and all products are 100%   acoustics, automotive, bedding, building,
          recyclable.                        composites,  concrete,  filtration,  flooring,
           The Fibertex team works closely with   furniture, geotextiles, medico and wipes.
          customers, offering solutions that meet   Fibertex has its head office in Aalborg,
          exact  application  requirements.  Through   Denmark, with production facilities in
          an innovative product range, customers   Denmark, France, Czech Republic,  Turkey,
          can be creative and enjoy complete design   USA  and  South  Africa,  and  sales  offices   Geotextiles for separation and protection
          freedom. Global collaboration guarantees   around the world.
          the edge on product design, impeccable   For further information contact Sefton Fripp,
          manufacturing standards, optimum  safety   MD of Fibertex South Africa (Pty) Ltd, on
          and reliability of every Fibertex product.  +27 31 736 7100 or email
           When it comes to branding, Sefton Fripp,

          20    Landscape SA • Issue 134  2024                           Check us out
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