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Impact of water lettuce on water quality                          Plant morphology of water hyacinth

           Water hyacinth and water lettuce in the Vaal River Barrage System  Biological agent for water hyacinth

           nutrients)  can  exacerbate  the  spread  of   Biological             Quick facts about the VRBR & IAP
           IAPs such as Pistia stratiotes (water lettuce)   Biological control refers to the use of host-  infestation
           and  Pondeteria crassipes  (water  hyacinth)   specific  natural  enemies  of  the  IAPs  to   1.  The area under management for IAPs is
           by promoting seeding and seed dispersal,   reduce the population(s) to an acceptable/  approximately 930 hectares in extent,
           as seen in the Vaal River Barrage Reservoir   aesthetically  pleasing  level.  Host-specific   with numerous reed beds and other
           (VRBR).                            biocontrol agents do not interfere with   smaller channels.
                                              the indigenous flora and fauna, as these   2.  Poor water quality from numerous
           How can IAPs be controlled?        feed predominantly on the IAPs, where the   upstream pollutants and overflows from
           There are four methods that can be used   disappearance of the said IAPs would entail   sewers have contributed to the reduced
           to control and/or avert infestations of IAPs.   the disappearance of the biocontrol agent.   water quality, acting as a feeder for these
           These are mechanical, chemical, biological   An example of this is the weevils that have   IAPs.
           and an integrated control.         been  released  at  the  Vaal River  Barrage   3.  Rand  Water, in collaboration with
                                              Reservoir to counteract the exponential   industry-leading  scientists  from  the
           Mechanical                         growth of water lettuce via herbivory.   Centre for Biological Control (CBC), uses
           Mechanical control refers to  the use of   The weevils damage the plant material,   host-specific  biocontrol  agents  that
           machinery  to  physically  remove  IAPs   inhibiting further growth and reproduction   have been approved by the Department
           from a system. For example, in an aquatic   of the plant, and reducing the population   of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment;
           environment, IAPs such as P. stratiotes and   therein.                  these will not alter or disturb the
           P. crassipes are controlled by raking, mowing                           natural/indigenous ecosystems at the
           or hauling. Disturbance stemming from the   Integrated                  VRBR.
           physical removal can cause the seed bank   An integrated control method, as employed   4.  Rand  Water’s water supply will not be
           to proliferate, and it is therefore essential to   by Rand Water at the VRBR, encompasses a   impacted by the integrated control
           have continuous follow-up action in order   combination of the three methods as a strategy   being implemented at the  VRBR
           to improve efficiency. The disadvantages of   to control and reduce the plant populations in   because:
           this method, when used solely, is that the   the  system.  In  essence,  mechanical  removal   •  Rand Water does not extract water for
           rate of growth of the invasive plants usually   will be employed to  remove  dense mats of   purification and subsequent dispersion
           exceeds  the  control  efforts,  resulting  in   these weeds in the mid to lower stream of   from the VRBR.
           inefficiency  in  control.  It  is  also  labour   the  river,  whilst  upstream  areas,  covered  by   •  The water that is purified and dispersed
           intensive.                         dense mats, will be sprayed with registered   by Rand Water undergoes a stringent
                                              and approved herbicides (by the relevant   testing process that is ascribed to SANS
           Chemical                           departments),  following  a  stringent  method   241; it cannot cause cancer as a result
           Chemical control refers to the application of   which aims to limit the contact of the herbicide   of the herbicides used at the VRBR.
           registered and approved herbicides directly   to  the  plants,  and  not  the  water.  Follow-up   •  Scientists  and  studies  from  credible
           to  the  IAPs,  with  the  aim  of  suppressing   mechanical removal will then be conducted   institutions reiterate that following an
           and  subsequently  killing  them.  In  order   to ensure that these do not further add to the   integrated control method is best to
           for  the  process  to  be  most  effective,  the   nutrient load of the system, as they submerge   reduce IAP populations and limit future
           choice of herbicides, correct application   in the water post-spraying. In the longer-term,   infestations in the long term.
           method, dosage, time of application and   biocontrol agents will also be released to aid in
           follow-up actions, are important. Improper   the control of these large mats, particularly in   Information supplied by K.  english, Rhodes
           use can result in the persistence of these   tributaries and slow-moving parts of the river,   university  Biocontrol  unit  and  compiled  by  L.
           in the water, leading to further ecosystem   creating a population of weevils that will then   Mhlongo, Rand Water. Photos supplied by Rand
           degradation.                       actively control the VRBR, biologically.  Water.                 n

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