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es, we are the green industry and we all • green with envy: jealous or envious;
know what it involves and what it stands for, • greenhorn: a novice, trainee or beginner;
Ybut the connotations and meanings of the • green around the gills: a pale, sickly or
word ‘green’ are used widely and extend to a host nauseating appearance.
of different things. So, on a lighter note in this ed’s
comment, here are a few other sayings and idioms In colour psychology, green is said to evoke
about green: feelings of revival, freshness and peace due to
• get the green light: get approval to proceed its connection to nature. It is also thought to
with a task or project; relieve stress and assist with healing, which is
• green thumb (US) or green fingers (UK): an why it often features in the décor of medical plants and have access to
unusual ability to make plants grow; facilities. Green conveys a sense of health and green views of nature.
• green room: a room in a theatre or studio where vigour, which is actually backed up by science, All things green are good,
performers can relax before or after appearances; with studies showing that people who spend so remember to eat your
• greenback: a legal tender bank note issued by time in nature surrounded by green vegetation vegetables!
the US government; have lower blood pressure than those who don’t.
• greener pastures: something perceived to be Research has also shown that creativity is likely to Karyn Richards
newer or better; increase when people are surrounded by green Editor
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