Page 21 - Issue-137
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Organic mulch serves as a soil insulator or the soil’s natural blanket that helps
preserve moisture during both cold and hot conditions. Mulch originates from
plant and animal sources such as leaves, straw, bark or compost and it creates a
barrier to protect the soil’s surface, plant roots and various bulb type plants from
various environmental conditions. Ordinary gardens become havens of beauty
and biodiversity when covered with organic mulch, which does everything from
inhibiting weeds to nourishing the soil and conserving moisture. Let’s uncover the
secrets to cultivating healthy and sustainable landscapes using organic mulch.
1. Temperature control: Organic mulch suppresses the growth of weeds. This
insulates against sharp variations in reduces the need for physical weeding
temperature. It keeps the ground from while also preserving soil moisture and
freezing too deeply by retaining soil nutrients for the plants you want to grow.
heat produced in summer, and from the 5. Enhancement of soil health: As organic
warmer daytime temperatures during mulch decomposes over time, it enriches
the winter. In the same way, it protects the soil with beneficial organic matter.
the soil from intense heat in the summer, This increases the availability of nutrients
keeping it cooler and lowering moisture for plant roots, strengthens the structure
evaporation. of the soil, and encourages beneficial
2. Moisture retention: Organic mulch helps microbial activity.
to retain more consistent soil moisture 6. Erosion control: Mulch helps prevent
and reduces soil water evaporation by up soil erosion by reducing water runoff and
to 70%. This helps in the winter season minimising the impact (compaction and FOR FURTHER
by keeping the soil from drying out too erosion) of heavy rain drops on bare soil INFORMATION ON
soon (so you really don’t have to water surfaces. WATER WISE, PLEASE
more than once every 4 to 5 weeks, if at 7. Sustainable gardening: By recycling CONTACT US ON:
all), giving plant roots the moisture they organic materials and lowering the need 0860 10 10 60.
need to survive in this dormant period. for synthetic fertilisers, using organic
3. Protection from frost: Organic mulch mulch encourages environmentally
serves as a barrier to shield plant responsible gardening techniques.
roots, bulbs and rhizomes in areas that 8. Control of pests and diseases: Certain
are vulnerable to frost. It lowers the organic mulches such as cypress and
possibility of frost damage to delicate cedar leaves, have natural substances
plant systems by aiding in soil insulation. that inhibit fungal diseases and repel
In the winter season, this is especially some insects.
crucial for new seedlings and perennial 9. Aesthetic enhancement: The addition
plants. of organic mulch to garden beds and
4. Weed suppression: By obstructing landscapes gives them a lovely touch
sunlight and preventing weed seeds that elevates the overall look of your
from sprouting, an organic mulch layer outdoor area. n
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