Page 24 - Landscape-Issue139
P. 24
Thriving Through WinTer: SmarT TipS
for KiKuyu LaWn Care and WaTering
ork with nature during the cold months.
accept your kikuyu lawn’s winter
Wdormancy – and drastically reduce
watering dormant lawns. Water conservation is
essential in South africa and wasting water by
irrigating a dormant lawn in mid-winter is not an
environmentally responsible choice for gardeners.
adopt an intelligent approach to lawns during
the cold months. as your grass enters a state
of graceful dormancy in late autumn, honour
its natural cycles and recognise that you can
drastically reduce watering.
period. gradually decrease the frequency of
watering after this phase.
• during summer, water in the early morning
or late afternoon as this reduces water lost to
• overwatering kikuyu lawns is a waste of
precious water.
• most kikuyu lawns will thrive with as little as
8mm of irrigation a week during dry weeks in
• Turf professionals maintain that kikuyu lawns
currently underway to work out the minimum should never be watered more than 20mm
water requirements for kikuyu lawn and during dry weeks (with no rainfall) in summer.
indigenous Cynodon varieties. • use a trigger nozzle if watering kikuyu with a
Dormancy in lawn
dormancy refers to a period where growth of the Smart maintenance of kikuyu
grass temporarily slows down, and grass goes into • Stop mowing your lawn; with reduced grass
a resting state for one season. Kikuyu in nature growth in winter, longer blades insulate roots
always goes dormant during winter, when the and soil from cold temperatures while roots
grass will turn brown. remain active.
however, brown kikuyu grass does not mean it is • only apply organic fertiliser as part of your
follow these tips from the Water Wise team dead; it has simply gone dormant. Lawn in a state spring treatment towards the growing season
on how to maintain your kikuyu lawn during the of dormancy is simply ‘resting’ and conserving and when night temperatures rise.
cold months by using much less water, building energy for the new growing season. • as spring approaches, prepare for weed
resilience, and making sure it returns to life and dormancy is a natural way for lawn to conserve emergence on your lawn by hand-picking or
vigorous growth in the spring season. moisture and nutrients in cold and dry seasons. it is spot-treating weeds with organic herbicides.
therefore completely unnecessary to apply a lot of 262 penniselum Kikuyu grass a. 1b in protected areas
Kikuyu water to your kikuyu during winter. clandestinum and wetlands in which it
does not already occur
hochst ex
Pennisetum clandestinum, commonly known as Chioy b. not listed elsewhere
kikuyu, is the most widely used lawn grass in Water Wise watering of kikuyu
South africa. it is native to east africa and has an • drastically reduce watering kikuyu lawns when This article was co-authored by rand Water -
aggressive growth form. in South africa, kikuyu they slip into dormancy in late autumn. Water Wise and evergreen Turf, aiming to raise
is only listed as an invasive plant (Category 1b) in • it is completely acceptable to reduce or stop awareness among the public and customers about
protected areas (nature reserves) and wetlands – watering kikuyu lawns during the cold highveld sustainable practices for watering and maintaining
where it has to be removed by law. winter months of June and July. kikuyu lawns
Kikuyu is drought tolerant, inexpensive, and • When the lawn appears to be dry, apply deep Always be #WaterWise
easy to maintain because it is a tough grass. it is watering once or twice a month and only water
mostly planted as an instant lawn for sports fields, in the morning (between 6 am – 10 am) until
golf course construction, and rehabilitation. it has a optimal moisture is reached.
mat root and herbaceous growth habit. it however • avoid watering in the evening to prevent
doesn’t grow well in shaded areas. prolonged moisture on the grass, which can
This notwithstanding, most suburban kikuyu lead to fungal diseases.
lawns are grossly overwatered – particularly in • newly installed kikuyu will only require more
the cold winter months. Which is why research is water during its settling or establishment