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Gwahumbe Nursery is a proud                                                                          PROJECT
 supplier to The Wetland at Clairwood
 Logistics Park, Durban. For this project,
 Simon Clements Garden & Design
 Studio received a SALI trophy for Best
 Environmental Landscape Work

 Keith Bales  082 678 1329
 076 019 2460 • 033 940 0030

           Eulophia speciosa                                 Acokanthera oblongifolia

           Setaria sp                                        KZN river crab

           pond’ as part of a larger, more complex,   Indigenous trees and plants were carefully   is accompanied by educational signage
           functional and constructed wetland system.   selected for their suitability in this part of   boards and a visitor’s deck, which looks out
           This constructed wetland now forms part   Durban.  The protected ‘Race Course Lily’   onto the wetland.
           of the wider bio-retention stormwater   was re-introduced after being grown in
           attenuation system that was created as   the on-site nursery, and has flowered and   Environmental audits
           an  additional  wetland  corridor  over  two   seeded in its new habitat. Since the start   Recent environmental audits have shown
           hectares in size.                  of the project, over 1500 trees have been   that the constructed wetland has been
            The environmental water management   planted.                        viable, with the identification of new
           system has proved highly effective at   The project area included approximately   reptile, mammal and amphibian species
           mitigating the effects of extreme weather   5.5 ha of grassland/wetland translocation   not previously noted at the old site. An avi-
           events  and  Clairwood  Logistics  Park  was   and rehabilitation, 2 ha of forest and 1.7 ha   faunal audit confirmed good bird activity
           one of the only properties in the South   of reeded swales.           in and around the wetland, including a
           Durban Basin that did not experience   An  important  part  of  the  project  is  the   pair  of grey Crowned Cranes which have
           damage during the 2017 and 2022 floods.  control and removal of alien invasive plants   successfully bred and raised chicks on the
            Features such as weirs, overflow and   (IAPs)  from  the  Clairwood  wetland.  The   site for the past few years.
           outflow structures were designed and   plan includes regular inspections, marking
           constructed by specialist engineers.  of  IAPs  and  monthly  clearance  operations   SALI Awards
                                              to ensure the restoration and preservation   Simon Clements: Garden & Landscape
           Flora, fauna and education         of the wetland’s endemic plants and   Design received the trophy for Best
           An important part of the translocation and   ecosystem.               Environmental   Landscape   Work   for
           rehabilitation project was the growing out   An  aspect  of  the  project  included  the   this  project  in  the  2024  SALI  Awards  of
           of rare and endangered plants. These have   design and construction of a bird hide on   Excellence. In addition, they received a gold
           been re-introduced into the ecosystem   the edge of the wetland for educational   award in the category of Environmental
           to  bolster  the  existing  plant populations.   purposes and outreach at local schools. This   Conservation Work.   n

           Check us out                                              Landscape SA • Issue 139  2024    19
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