Page 18 - Landscape-Issue139
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          Project Team
          Client/Developer: FORTRESS Clairwood
          Logistics Park
          Landscape Contractor: Simon
          Clements: Garden & Landscape Design
          Engineers: Aurecon Group

                                             The old Clairwood Race Course in the South Durban

                                             Basin was a degraded piece of grassland, home to the
             Overview of the wetland
                                             last naturally occurring specimens of Kniphofia pauciflora
                                             (‘Race Course Lily’) and other significant flora and fauna.
                                             Simon Clements: Garden & Landscape Design was
                                             tasked with designing and implementing a translocation

                                             method to rescue the entire habitat, in particular the few
                                             remaining specimens of this lily.

                                                 he work was undertaken as part of   filtration blocks to harness, filter and store
                                                 the requirements of an Environmental   water  gathered  on  site.  This  innovative
                                             TManagement Programme (EMPr), and   environmental solution in an industrial
                                             the  translocation  methodology  included   development has resulted in a robust and
                                             the biomimicry of a wetland habitat.   ecologically sound landscape.
                                              Simon   Clement’s  passion  for     Over a period of four months, and using
                                             rehabilitation and water conservation, as   specialised  earthmoving  equipment,
                                             well as his understanding of site-specific   approximately 12 000m3 of grassland
                                             ecology, lead to him collaborating widely   sods were carefully moved to a specially
                                             with experts such as hydro-geologists,   designed  and  constructed  ‘hygrophilous-
                                             wetland specialists, botanists and engineers   ready’ habitat. This habitat was specifically
                                             in order to develop the translocation   created to be suitable for hygrophilous
                                             methodology.  This  was  successfully  grasses with a very high water table that
                                             implemented in 2016/17.            can tolerate seasonal floods for a few days
                                              Part of the project included the re-design   at a time.
                                             of the stormwater management plan to an
                                             environmentally engineered stormwater   Constructed wetland
                                             management system including grassed and   An integral part of the programme included
          Kniphofia pauciflora in its natural habitat  reeded swales, reed bed check dams and   the rehabilitation of the existing ‘irrigation

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