Page 13 - Landscape-Issue139
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           Mid/pre-teen play zone with mature Water Pear transplanted as a shade tree  Informal stone chip pathway through mixed planting

           Mixed groundcovers on the lower slope of the kick-about space  Course grassy plants add height and texture

           View from the lowest part of the park

           show texture, form and flowers throughout   year floods) made installation much more
           the year. Over 40 new trees were added to the   challenging.
           existing ones.
                                              SALI Award
           Landscape installation             In the 2024 SALI Awards of Excellence, held
           Stephen Steyn of Contours Landscapes says   recently  during  the  SAGIC  Convention,
           that the construction phase was completed   Contours Landscapes received the SALI Shield
           in  two  months.  Implementation  of  the   of Excellence in Landscaping – Overall Winner.
           design was ‘somewhat technical’, given the   In  addition,  they  received  a  gold  award  for
           necessity to cut and fill large volumes of soil   the project in the category of Landscape
           to achieve level areas which would serve   Construction with Design by Others.
           as platforms for the various play zones and
           pathways.  Exceptionally wet weather (the   Information supplied by Alistair Turrell and Stephen
           2023 July/August cut-off lows resulted in 1:50   Steyn. Photos by Alistair Turrell.                 n

           Check us out                                              Landscape SA • Issue 139  2024    11
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