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          Indigenous creepers climbing lightly over the framed arcade        The theatrical framing of landscapes through the portal eye

          Planted textures of the upper terrace nestle below the ridges of Marulas  Soft, mixed plantings in the medicinal value collection

          The portal box was detailed and dressed in   walkway, a retaining wall is set back to   navigate and walk through. The upper terrace
          laser-cut panelling, with accent patterns that   accept the floating steel stairway which,   is given enclosure primarily by a tight Buddleja
          were then repeated at the gateways and in   down its spine, carries a gently cascading   hedge that surrounds it, and this is supported
          the termination face of the hut.   water rill. The water element here introduces   by the planting of secondary screens of
           In dealing with the existing exposed face   another theatrical piece to the garden,   Podocarpus, Loxostylis and Diospyros sp.
          of the earth cut, this was formally retained   with its source set as a raised circular pool   The space is anchored by the circular pond
          by a constructed wall, raised slightly higher   on the upper terrace. The pool, displaying   which sits in front of the woven hut structure
          to allow for the levelling of the upper terrace   select medicinal aquatic plants, spills into a   that terminates the arcade axis. Ornate and
          platform. A mid-height linear planter offers   narrow channel that runs down the steps; it   meticulously hand-crafted, one is drawn into
          a shelf in which to display cascading plants   is then caught and quietly celebrated at the   this shaded cove and given the opportunity
          as well as a few shade-loving specimens set   base of the stairs where a small millstone-  to rest and reflect on the transitional journey
          against the south-facing wall.     like feature bubbles over.         just experienced.
           The gardens in the lower terrace are   Above, greening the arcade, a mix of   Two raised planters add further interest
          parterre-like, using indigenous plants, all   Senecio,  Clematis, Rhoicissus, Combretum,   to the garden, sculpted by halving a disused
          medicinally valued, to box out and fill neatly   Gloriosa and Jasminum species are beautifully   diesel tank.  These have been planted up
          aligned zones. Euphorbia ingens, displayed to   displayed.            with specimens that are ever-spreading and
          acknowledge its poisonous nature, was used   At the top of the steps, a broader garden   require controlled rooting space.
          to  formally  anchor  each  side  of  the  central   expanse opens up, allowing for a wide range   Where  scale  and  architecture  define  the
          axis.                              of plant types to be displayed, again in a   wider experience of the garden, the detail
           At the intersection with the arcade   classically symmetrical format that is easy to   and finishes give it a sense of place and

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