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          Emantini is a 42ha privately owned property south of Manzini, Eswatini (Swaziland).
          Nestled against the Ngwempisi River, the land has witnessed a decade-long
          transformation from a ramshackle chicken farm to a functioning garden estate.

                                                                        Project Team
                                                                        Client: Emantini Botanical Garden
                                                                        Landscape Architect: The Ochre Office
                                                                        Landscape Contractor: Emantini
                                                                        Steel Engineer and Contractor:
                                                                        Ajay Da-Cunha
                                                                        Water Feature Engineer and
                                                                        Fabricator: Water’Scapes

          Portal eye with views over the valley                      The portal box piercing through an existing hedge

             xisting  buildings  have  been  Brief                              well-established and  providing  excellent
             either renovated, repurposed or   In  2018,  the  client  decided  to  establish  a   protection from the elements, as well as
         Edemolished and new residences,     detailed,  formal garden,  and  the  property   forming an instant enclosure.
          nurseries,  recreational  and  operational   required an anchoring – a space in which to   Spatially, the medicinal garden required
          facilities have been constructed. New   begin a planting collection of interest and   a greater area and the site was extended
          roads and paths have been laid, as and   variety. It was to provide an opportunity to   into the open area above the initial terrace
          when movement routes are re-imagined.   educate and train staff, at the same time   – a garden size of 2300m². This provided the
          Functional decisions, together with the   introducing a broad spectrum of plants. A   opportunity to introduce level changes and
          greening and beautifying of the property,   medicinal garden, as a garden typology, was   open up a view over the valley, forming the
          have resulted in the current state of the   decided on.               basis from which the design developed.
          site.  Imagined  to  eventually  culminate   The location was selected at a high point   The design of the medicinal garden
          as a tapestry of carefully curated garden   on the property, existing as a rectangular   aimed to find a fusion point, celebrating the
          rooms and buildings, Emantini is set to   levelled terrace carved from the hillside and,   importance of medicinal plants and paying
          become a destination of great botanical   at that time, acting as a laydown for various   homage to cultural and traditional legacies.
          and architectural interest.        building materials as well as a transition zone   The plants required a theatre in which to be
           Eswatini is known for its warm, sub-  for the estate’s truck. It was essential that the   displayed.
          tropical climate and offers ideal conditions   new spatial design still allow for the truck
          to support Emantini’s gardens; its vision is   thoroughfare in order to access the truck   Concept
          to showcase the rich botanical heritage of   shed.  In  previous  years,  the  area  had  been   As a starting point, the concept imagined a
          Southern Africa.                   screened with a  Viburnum border, already   cross-axis that would cut the space centrally

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