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           Looking out to the stone amphitheatre from the shaded seating
           space and approach path

           Existing Natal Mahogany trees provide a natural backdrop to the
           seating space

           Stone clad seating tucked into the existing slope with many uses Sandstone boulders frame the scramble path up to the next level

           connect levels, meandering through mixed   interact. Circular seating walls under mature   experience of creating an inter-generational
           indigenous vegetation.             trees provide cool spaces in a semi-private   and user-friendly facility.
                                              setting and the 2.5 metre wide pathway
           Activities in the nodes            sinuously links all these elements together,   Environmental factors and planting
           Play  is  arranged  in  three  clearly  identifiable   providing access east and west of the park.   With  the  estate  bordering  the  Tygerberg
           zones, i.e toddler, pre/mid-school and teens.   A rock scramble path provides an alternate   Nature Reserve, careful plant selection was
           The kick-about space is a multi-purpose area   link between levels, for those who are more   required to reinforce this connection as
           for play and community activities, while the   adventurous !          much as possible. The introduction of bird,
           asphalt cycle track encircling the kick-about   While  the  layout  of  the  park  is  clear  and   bee  and  butterfly-friendly  plants  was  key,
           is ideal for youngsters on push bikes, scooters   activities are not specifically sign-posted,   and the planting approach was to buffer the
           and skate boards.                  the park should be seen as multi-purpose in   immediately adjacent homes by using mixed
            The stone-clad amphitheatre looks out   all  respects.  It  remains  the  responsibility  of   species and large shrubs which both frame
           to  Table Mountain and provides additional   adults to supervise younger children.  the park and absorb the sterile boundary
           seating for movie nights, wide terraces to   The client body was actively involved in all   walls. Understorey planting  is a  mixture of
           lie on and spaces for residents to meet and   design elements, which added to the overall   indigenous material in combinations that

           Check us out                                               Landscape SA • Issue 139  2024    9
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