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          Baronetcy Estate in Cape Town is located adjacent to the Tygerberg Nature Reserve.
          It  was  established  in  2005,  with  Penny  Lane  Park  upgraded  more  recently  to
          accommodate all age groups and a variety of activities.

          Project Team
          Client: Baronetcy Home Owners
          Association and Estate Manager
          Landscape Architect: ATLA
          Landscape Contractor: Contours Group

          Circular seating walls under the shade of existing Coral trees

              esigning and installing a park in an   The space should not only accommodate   to Table Mountain.
              established residential estate with   children, but also parents and grandparents,   By carefully balancing cut and fill slopes,
         Ddiverse needs was always going to be   in an environment where one space does not   Turrell was able to sculpt out a wide, sinuous
          a challenge. This, combined with a long list   dominate the other.    path connecting the upper park with the
          of requirements and an uneven, graded site                            lower park, adding activities in nodes along
          with a nine-meter height difference from top   Landscape design philosophy  the  way.  The  stone-clad  terraces  were
          to bottom, set the framework for design.    Landscape Architect Alistair Turrell says that   designed  to  create  seating  for  up  to  100
           The primary need and brief from the client   the design philosophy was to make use   people, with panoramic views towards Table
          called for a level-surfaced, kick-about space   of the relatively steep slope in a way that   Mountain and beyond.
          for informal soccer games, but after further   provided multiple opportunities for play, rest   Play  activities  were  grouped  in  age-
          consultation, it became clear that there was   and gathering, while respecting the existing   appropriate zones, while passive recreation
          an additional need to create play areas for a   tree  collections  and  boundary  walls  that   spaces are provided in circular seating walls
          range of age groups, and an area where the   bordered  the  park.  Planting  of  new  trees   under the shade of existing mature trees. The
          community could gather for outdoor movie   was strategically planned to blur the lines of   central lawn space is encircled by a walking
          nights, picnics and birthday celebrations.   adjacent homes, while respecting views out   and riding track, and scrambling stone paths

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