Page 7 - Landscape-Issue139
P. 7

The barrel-vaulted cross axis to the arcade  A view down the arcade towards the portal box

           Water is carried down the central line of the
           arcade connecting the terraces

                                    Greening of the arcade  A quiet intersection of spaces anchored by the water millstone

           from top to bottom and in so doing, create   an open arcade, allowing once again for   The site was surveyed topographically,
           the classical symmetry of a formal garden   delicate climbers to dress it. Importantly, the   establishing the basic lines of the main axis
           that allows one side of the garden to reflect   height of the arcade would remain constant   as well as the secondary pathways that would
           the other. This axis would  form  a spine  for   throughout its alignment, ensuring that as   branch off to encourage deeper exploration
           movement from the lower to the upper   one climbs the steps, movement within the   of the garden. The layout took advantage of
           terrace, with a tall arcade representing the link   archway is still comfortable.   sight lines, ensuring that there was interest
           between old and new medicine.       The  transition in architectural language   to be found along every path and from any
            At the lower end of the axis, the arcade   from modern, rectilinear geometries to softer,   angle.
           was to take on a solid, box-like geometry,   traditional forms was envisioned, culminating   The truck’s roadway was drawn across the
           closed on its sides but open to the sky with   as a woven, half-dome structure resembling   lower terrace and instead of trying to disguise
           a series of internal ribbed arches that would   a traditional Swazi hut.  The experience is   it, it was integrated as the entry route for
           allow shade-loving creepers to green the   one of a seamless journey that connects the   visitors to the garden (on foot or by golf cart).
           interior. The box would cut cleanly through   contemporary world with that of tradition,   A series of large, stone-clad planters flank
           the existing  Viburnum hedge, protruding   culture and heritage.      either side of the route. Planted with columnar
           and offering a circular framed view over the   The  garden  took  root from  this  primary   Podocarpus and forming a boulevard, they
           distant valley – a watchful eye connected   concept.                  create a sense of theatre.
           possibly to the wisdom of spiritual healings.                           Architecturally,  the  central  arcade
            This boxed geometry would gradually   Design                         dominates  the  garden.  It  was  designed  as
           move towards the upper terrace, giving   Having structured the garden in concept,   a light steel structure, treated to activate
           way to the curved archway  and becoming   finding the correct scale became essential.   oxidisation and set in a rich, red-rust finish.

           Check us out                                               Landscape SA • Issue 139  2024    5
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