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           An interpretation of the indumba or healing
           hut sits at the upper end of the arcade  View onto the upper terrace fountain from within the indumba hut

 Soft, mixed plantings in the medicinal value collection  The transitioning geometries of the arcade

           identity, tying the whole together. The natural   aquatic plants, small herbs, larger shrubs,   The second phase of planting provided
           colours and textures found in the local stone   shade-loving,  sun-loving,  succulents,  etc.  In   detail to the beds, with material selected
           cladding, combined with  the red of the   total,176 different plant species have been   and placed according to type, size and
           oxidised steel, informed the extended palette   used in the garden, with approximately 20   requirements,  enabling  their  natural
           of pebble, slate, tile and paved edge finishes –   trees spilling out into an adjacent planted   attributes to be displayed.
           all rich and varying in tones of brown, red and   garden that is to become a medicinal
           grey. Textures on the pathway surfaces swirl   arboretum.             Award-winning project
           around each other in concentric patterns,   Researching and specifying the list of   The Ochre Office sought to re-imagine what
           tactile and intricate.             plants suited to this garden was an immense   history would dictate a formal medicinal
            Finally, a warm terracotta paint finish brings   undertaking, requiring weeks of research   garden to be. One is able to reflect on the vital
           life to the retaining wall, a bold and striking   and sourcing. The assistance of Tshala Plant   fusion point between traditional remedies
           colour that works beautifully in contrast with   Brokers was invaluable in the growing and   and current-day medicine, the importance
           the planted greenery set before it.  procurement of all stock.        of each, and how nature still supports human
                                               Planting  installation  only  commenced   health amidst the rapid developments in
           Planting                           once all construction work was complete.   medical science.
           Key to the design and planning of the garden   The delivery of plant material was broken into   Landscape architect and founder of  The
           was the task of accommodating as many   loads, the first installation comprising much of   Ochre Office, Karen Marais, received an ILASA
           different planting conditions as possible, in   the structural planting (hedges, feature trees)   Merit Award for this project, in the category
           order to display the wide variety of medicinal   as well as bulbous perennials with which to   of  Export of Services. She supplied the
           plant types – trees, climbers, cascading plants,   experiment and train the horticultural staff.  information and photos used in this article. n

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