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           Alien invasive plants after extraction

           Physical extraction using a front-end loader      Wet biomass of alien invasive plants after extraction

           from sewerage, the aquatic weed grew   biocontrol agents and technical support   “This has definitely been a group
           exponentially and totally out of control.   in order to introduce weevils and hoppers   success story, where working closely with
            Rand  Water  is  continuing  with  the   which help to eradicate the invasive alien   all parties has resulted in the outcome we
           implementation of the control plan   plants.                          see today. However, we have not yet won
           issued by both the above-mentioned   Rand Water has been awarded an order   the war, since we aren’t sure what this
           departments,  which  includes  an  for the physical removal of 60 hectares   coming summer will bring. Nevertheless,
           integrated  approach  of  physical  of alien invasive plants.  This, together   we are now in a far better position to be
           extraction, curtaining, biocontrol and   with Omnia’s contribution and the   ahead of the game in controlling the alien
           the use of herbicides to halt the out-of-  communities’  own  self-funded  efforts,   invasive aquatic weed narrative”, says Dr
           control growth.                    means that by the end of July 2024, there   Leslie Hoy of Rand Water.
            Rhodes University Centre for Biocontrol   should be little to no more aquatic weeds
           assisted with aspects such as mapping,   in the Vaal River Barrage.   Dr L Hoy   n

           Check us out                                              Landscape SA • Issue 139  2024    13
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