Page 4 - Landscape-Issue140
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               edals hold  an important place                                   motivated about one’s goal.
               in human history, symbolising                                      Guts can actually be a slang word,
         Machievement,       honour  and                                        but one that is entirely appropriate to
          recognition. They are tangible objects that                           describe courage, stamina and the will
          serve as a testament to the hard work and                             to do something that is difficult and
          dedication of an individual or group of                               challenging.
          people.                                                                 I  believe  all  these  things  describe
           Dan Gable, an American wrestler, coach                               people in the green industry – designers,
          and Olympic medallist, said: “Gold medals   it is the landscape contractors who come   installers  and  growers.  They  are  a
          aren’t really made of gold. They’re made   to mind, toiling and sweating under   dedicated group of people – committed
          of sweat, determination and a hard-to-  the hot sun while installing landscape   to, and passionate about, what they do.
          find alloy called guts.”           projects.                            What you put in determines what you
           This quote is so fitting in light of the   Determination is a quality that shows   get out!
          recent  awards  presented  at  the  SAGIC   one is prepared to persevere, even if first
          Convention  in  June  to  SALI,  SANA  and   attempts fail. It also shows the intention   Karyn Richards
          ILASA members. In the most literal sense,   to achieve a desired end and to be   Editor

       Samgro Wholesale Nursery, situated in Wellington, Western Cape, supplies a diverse range of over 700
       plant species across Southern Africa and Internationally, with an annual production exceeding 3 million
       With propagation at the heart of our business, the focus has broadened to include collaboration with
       plant breeders and service culture labs, enhancing our variety with fresh, new species.
       We emphasise advanced production planning and constantly enhance our partnership with clients
       through tailored growing programmes and improved supply chain efficiency.
       Our goal is to ensure our clients benefit from greatly reduced production costs through our proven track
       record, reliable supply of quality plants and excellent service.
       As we navigate the future of the green industry, we’re excited to continually grow and innovate together
       with our clients.

       Your Purchasing Options
         Standard Growing
         Plugs are grown in 128cc plug trays, with a selection of plants grown as standard that are readily.
         available. Our Availability List is distributed at various intervals to keep clients informed so orders can be
         Tailored Production Planning & Supply
         Seasonality, species, lead times, quantities and supply intervals are discussed to assist in planning
         ongoing purchases to best suit clients’ business needs. Not only for today or tomorrow, but into the years
                                                                                 We look forward to seeing you at the upcoming
                                                                                  SANA Spring Trade Fair 2024 on 14th August
         Contract Growing
         Bespoke growing planning to meet large scale needs on select/specific species.
                                                                                     Cape Green Day on 11th September
                                    CONTACT US                                     to discuss the purchasing option that best
              and                       suits you!
                            Tel: +27 21 873 4377 / Cell: +27 82 893 0188
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