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           The fourth annual Marine Protected Areas (MPA) Day took place on 1 August 2024
           and was themed Celebrating MPAs – for People and for Nature. It invited people around

           the world to recognise the importance of these ‘nature reserves of the sea’.

               his year, the MPA Day team
               welcomed on board the Mission
           TBlue team, who will rally its network
           of ‘hope spots’ around the world.  These
           are special places scientifically identified
           as  critical  to  the  health  of  the  ocean,
           all of which are championed by local
           conservationists supported  by  Mission
            Renowned  oceanographer,  explorer,
           author and lecturer, Dr Sylvia Earle,
           acknowledged everyone taking action to
           save and restore the oceans.
            Helcom,   an   inter-governmental
           organisation bridging policy and science
           on matters relating to the environment of
           the Baltic Sea, also showed its support for
           MPA Day. The deputy executive secretary
           of Helcom, Jannica Haldin, commented:
           “We are very pleased to unite with
           partners in South Africa and around the
           world to underscore the vital role of
           marine protected areas in preserving our
           oceans’ biodiversity.”
                                              West Coast MPA.   Photo: Dr Judy Mann
           Ocean health
           This  year’s  MPA  Day  celebrations  were
           well timed as the fate of the oceans is   survival of humanity depends on healthy   related activities that will encourage
           under global discussion, with two major   oceans.”                    everyone to support the country’s marine
           conferences having been hosted. In April,   One of the key outcomes of both   biodiversity, and appreciate its value.
           the  UN  Ocean  Decade  Conference  took   conferences was the need for greater
           place in Barcelona, Spain, attracting 1500   emphasis to be placed on the role of   Partners involved
 Samgro Wholesale Nursery, situated in Wellington, Western Cape, supplies a diverse range of over 700  people, with a further 3000 online. A   people, and the importance of inspiring   The partners involved in MPA Day
           second one took place in Greece, where   people  to  care  for  our  oceans.  This  was   included  Two  Oceans  Aquarium,
 plant species across Southern Africa and Internationally, with an annual production exceeding 3 million
           delegates, academics and philanthropists   the core focus of MPA Day. In South Africa,   Flow Communications, Olivia Jones
           discussed the protection of the world’s   there are 41 MPAs protecting only 5% of   Communications, WildOceans, WWF-SA,
 With propagation at the heart of our business, the focus has broadened to include collaboration with
 plant breeders and service culture labs, enhancing our variety with fresh, new species.  oceans and pledged actions to safeguard   the country’s oceans for the benefit of   Cape Nature, Adventure Mania, Mission
           them.                              people and nature.                 Blue, HELCOM, Ezemvelo-KZN  Wildlife,
 We emphasise advanced production planning and constantly enhance our partnership with clients  Dr Judy Mann, founder of MPA Day and   Helen Lockhart, conservation and   the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and
 through tailored growing programmes and improved supply chain efficiency.
           executive of strategic projects at the Two   sustainability manager at the Two Oceans   the Environment, and others.
           Oceans Aquarium Foundation, said that   Aquarium, said that together with local
 Our goal is to ensure our clients benefit from greatly reduced production costs through our proven track
 record, reliable supply of quality plants and excellent service.  the two conferences were a sign that the   organisations around the False Bay ‘hope   Information  and  photos  supplied  by  Olivia
           world was “waking up to the fact that the   spot’, they will engage the public in ocean-  Jones Communications
 As we navigate the future of the green industry, we’re excited to continually grow and innovate together
 with our clients.
 Your Purchasing Options
 Standard Growing
 Plugs are grown in 128cc plug trays, with a selection of plants grown as standard that are readily.
 available. Our Availability List is distributed at various intervals to keep clients informed so orders can be
 Tailored Production Planning & Supply
 Seasonality, species, lead times, quantities and supply intervals are discussed to assist in planning
 ongoing purchases to best suit clients’ business needs. Not only for today or tomorrow, but into the years
 We look forward to seeing you at the upcoming
 SANA Spring Trade Fair 2024 on 14th August
 Contract Growing
 Bespoke growing planning to meet large scale needs on select/specific species.
 Cape Green Day on 11th September
 CONTACT US  to discuss the purchasing option that best and  suits you!  Tsitsikamma MPA.  Photo: Dr Judy Mann  Effective signage is critical in MPA management. Photo: Dr Judy Mann   n
 Tel: +27 21 873 4377 / Cell: +27 82 893 0188
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