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                                                                                                                                                                     Proud SALI Award winner of the Stihl Trophy
                                                                                                                                                                     and a double gold for Best Landscape and Turf

                                                                                                                                                                     Maintenance at King Zwelithini Stadium, KZN.

          Pergolas with shading provide sun protection whilst new trees grow  A variety of pool depths and designs cater for toddlers, children and adults. Two pools
                                                        allow for wheelchair access  for disabled guests.

                                                                                                                                                                                                    086 111 2020

          The bar area is centrally located to serve both hotel guests and day  visitors.    Dense planting and new trees help create more intimate spaces within a confined footprint
          The deck also allows for flood waters to escape from the hotel side of the resort                                                                                                                      New Home Construction
           Plants and trees were chosen so as not   and project management as well as the   unique landscape setting.”
          to attract baboons and the ticket office   design of swimming pools, ponds, water   They elaborated further, saying that it                                                                                  Maintenance
          and all ablutions have vegetated roofs.  reticulation, hard landscaping, planting,   was  “responsive to its cultural-historical                                                                                Painting
           Many of the plants were specially   irrigation, roof gardens, access, parking   context and a standout feature is the
          grown for the project but this fresh new   areas, water re-use and flood attenuation.   meticulous consideration of every detail                                                                            Concrete Slabs
          growth attracted dassies – an unintended   CNDV also undertook responsibility   of the pools, spaces, surfaces and planting.                                                                                   Structures
          consequence. Time and experimentation   for the walls, waterfalls, fountains,   The  finished  product  is  of  a  very  high
          have helped the plants  to establish as   slide layout and restoration of natural   standard and quality.  This outstanding                                                                                Swimming Pools
          very little research is available on what   vegetation.               project is not only world class but                                                                                                   Waterproofing
          dassies eat.                                                          demonstrates the exceptional value that
                                             ILASA AWARD                        landscape architects contribute as lead                                                                                                 Renovations
          Range of landscape architectural   The  project  received  an  ILASA  award  in   designers on a project.”
          services                           June 2024, in the category of Planning                                                                                                                                        Civils
          De Villiers says that this project showcases   and Design. Judges commented that the
          the extensive range of services offered by   project was “an excellent redevelopment   Information and photos supplied by CNDV                                                                            Hannes: 082 552 2254
          landscape architects, namely time, cost   of a world class hot spring facility in a   Landscape Architects.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Henno: 061 506 0507
          8    Landscape SA • Issue 140  2024                            Check us out                                                                                            
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